
Type: MovementAction: Move (active)
Range: PersonalDuration: Instant
Saving Throw: Reflex (harmless)Cost: 2 points per rank

You can move instantly from place to place without crossing the distance in between. You can teleport yourself and carry up to 100 lbs. of additional mass a distance of (power rank x 100) feet as a move action.

At rank 3 and above, you can also take a full action and teleport the distance shown on the Extended Range Table instead, but you lose your dodge bonus for one round after you arrive at your destination due to disorientation. You can only teleport to places you can accurately sense or know especially well (in the GM|s judgment). You retain your facing and relative velocity when you teleport. So if you are falling, for example, when you teleport, you are still falling at the same speed when you arrive at your destination.

Power Feats



Associated Effects

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