Revision history for MMRegeneration
||**1**||1 round||20 minutes||5 hours||1 week||
||**2**||standard action||5 minutes||1 hour||1 day||
||**3**||no action||1 minute||20 minutes||5 hours||
||**4**||--||1 round||5 minutes||1 hour||
||**5**||--||standard action||1 minute||20 minutes||
||**6**||--||no action||1 round||5 minutes||
||**7**||--||--||standard action||1 minute||
||**8**||--||--||no action||1 round||
||**9**||--||--||--||standard action||
||**10**||--||--||--||no action||
||**2**||standard action||5 minutes||1 hour||1 day||
||**3**||no action||1 minute||20 minutes||5 hours||
||**4**||--||1 round||5 minutes||1 hour||
||**5**||--||standard action||1 minute||20 minutes||
||**6**||--||no action||1 round||5 minutes||
||**7**||--||--||standard action||1 minute||
||**8**||--||--||no action||1 round||
||**9**||--||--||--||standard action||
||**10**||--||--||--||no action||
||2||standard action||5 minutes||1 hour||1 day||
||3||no action||1 minute||20 minutes||5 hours||
||4||--||1 round||5 minutes||1 hour||
||5||--||standard action||1 minute||20 minutes||
||6||--||no action||1 round||5 minutes||
||7||--||--||standard action||1 minute||
||8||--||--||no action||1 round||
||9||--||--||--||standard action||
||10||--||--||--||no action||
||**Type:** Alteration||**Action:** None (passive)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Permanent||
||**Saving Throw:** Fortitude (harmless)||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||
||1||1 round||20 minutes||5 hours||1 week||
||2||standard action||5 minutes||1 hour||1 day||
||3||no action||1 minute||20 minutes||5 hours||
||4||--||1 round||5 minutes||1 hour||
||5||--||standard action||1 minute||20 minutes||
||6||--||no action||1 round||5 minutes||
||7||--||--||standard action||1 minute||
||8||--||--||no action||1 round||
||9||--||--||--||standard action||
||10||--||--||--||no action||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Permanent||
||**Saving Throw:** Fortitude (harmless)||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||
||1||1 round||20 minutes||5 hours||1 week||
||2||standard action||5 minutes||1 hour||1 day||
||3||no action||1 minute||20 minutes||5 hours||
||4||--||1 round||5 minutes||1 hour||
||5||--||standard action||1 minute||20 minutes||
||6||--||no action||1 round||5 minutes||
||7||--||--||standard action||1 minute||
||8||--||--||no action||1 round||
||9||--||--||--||standard action||
||10||--||--||--||no action||
{{table columns="5" cellpadding="1" cells="Rank;Bruised/Unconscious;Injured/Staggered;Disabled/Ability;Resurrection;1;1 round;20 minutes;5 hours;1 week;2;standard action;5 minutes;1 hour;1 day;3;no action;1 minute;20 minutes;5 hours;4;--;1 round;5 minutes;1 hour;5;--;standard action;1 minute;20 minutes;6;--;no action;1 round;5 minutes;7;--;--;standard action;1 minute;8;--;--;no action;1 round;9;--;--;--;standard action;10;--;--;--;no action"}}
- **Total Regeneration: **The ability to make a damage recovery check, including resurrection, every round without taking recover actions requires 36 ranks, not including ranks allocated to recovery check bonus. If you also recover 1 point of ability damage per round, increase cost to 44 ranks.
//Bruised or Unconscious: //One rank allows a recovery check after one round, two ranks per standard action, three ranks once per round with no recover action. Bruised conditions recover automatically after the required time, with no check necessary.
//Injured or Staggered: //One rank allows a recovery check once per 20 minutes, two ranks per 5 minutes, three ranks per minute, and four ranks per round, five ranks per standard action, and six ranks per round with no recover action. Injured conditions recover automatically after the required time, with no check necessary.
//Disabled: //One rank allows a recovery check per 5 hours, two ranks per hour, three ranks per 20 minutes, four ranks per 5 minutes, five ranks per minute, and six ranks per round, seven ranks per standard action, and eight ranks per round with no recover action. The dying condition is not affected by Regeneration rank, but see the Diehard power feat in the following section.
//Injured or Staggered: //One rank allows a recovery check once per 20 minutes, two ranks per 5 minutes, three ranks per minute, and four ranks per round, five ranks per standard action, and six ranks per round with no recover action. Injured conditions recover automatically after the required time, with no check necessary.
//Disabled: //One rank allows a recovery check per 5 hours, two ranks per hour, three ranks per 20 minutes, four ranks per 5 minutes, five ranks per minute, and six ranks per round, seven ranks per standard action, and eight ranks per round with no recover action. The dying condition is not affected by Regeneration rank, but see the Diehard power feat in the following section.
- //Injured or Staggered: //One rank allows a recovery check once per 20 minutes, two ranks per 5 minutes, three ranks per minute, and four ranks per round, five ranks per standard action, and six ranks per round with no recover action. Injured conditions recover automatically after the required time, with no check necessary.
- //Disabled: //One rank allows a recovery check per 5 hours, two ranks per hour, three ranks per 20 minutes, four ranks per 5 minutes, five ranks per minute, and six ranks per round, seven ranks per standard action, and eight ranks per round with no recover action. The dying condition is not affected by Regeneration rank, but see the Diehard power feat in the following section.