
Type: AlterationAction: None (passive)
Range: PersonalDuration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude (harmless)Cost: 1 point per rank

You recover from damage more easily. For each rank of Regeneration you have, choose one of the following benefits:
Bruised or Unconscious: One rank allows a recovery check after one round, two ranks per standard action, three ranks once per round with no recover action. Bruised conditions recover automatically after the required time, with no check necessary.
Injured or Staggered: One rank allows a recovery check once per 20 minutes, two ranks per 5 minutes, three ranks per minute, and four ranks per round, five ranks per standard action, and six ranks per round with no recover action. Injured conditions recover automatically after the required time, with no check necessary.
Disabled: One rank allows a recovery check per 5 hours, two ranks per hour, three ranks per 20 minutes, four ranks per 5 minutes, five ranks per minute, and six ranks per round, seven ranks per standard action, and eight ranks per round with no recover action. The dying condition is not affected by Regeneration rank, but see the Diehard power feat in the following section.

Regeneration Recovery Rates

11 round20 minutes5 hours1 week
2standard action5 minutes1 hour1 day
3no action1 minute20 minutes5 hours
4--1 round5 minutes1 hour
5--standard action1 minute20 minutes
6--no action1 round5 minutes
7----standard action1 minute
8----no action1 round
9------standard action
10------no action

Regeneration And No Constitution

Characters lacking a Constitution score automatically fail recovery checks and cannot recover from damage (as they are nonliving beings). One rank of Regeneration applied to recovery bonus allows such characters to make recovery checks, starting at -4, with each additional rank improving the bonus normally (-3 at rank 2, +0 at rank 5, then increasing from there). Once able to make recovery checks, no Constitution characters can apply other ranks of Regeneration to speed up the time required to make checks.

Power Feats




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