
Type: AlterationAction: Full (active)
Range: TouchDuration: Instant
Saving Throw: Fortitude (harmless)Cost: 2 points per rank

You can heal damage conditions by touch. With a full-round action, you can do any one of the following:

If the power check fails, you must wait the normal recovery time for that condition or use extra effort in order to try again. If it is successful, you can use Healing again normally. You must maintain contact with the target for the entire action required for the Healing effect to occur. The subject must take a full-round recover action, like using a hero point to recover (see Recover, M&M, page 121). The subject must also fail the saving throw against the effect. Willing and unconscious subjects are assumed to do both automatically.

You can use Healing on yourself. You can|t cure your own stunned, staggered, or unconscious conditions or stabilize yourself (since you have to be able to take a full-round action to use your Healing effect). Your own recover action is part of the full-round action required to use Healing. You can use Healing to cure your own disabled condition, but doing so is a strenuous action. If the recovery check is successful, you suffer no ill effects. If it is not, however, your condition worsens to dying. If you can use Healing as a reaction, it can cure any of your conditions and its use is not considered strenuous.

Since Healing allows a Fortitude saving throw, it does not work on subjects Immune to Fortitude effects since they are assumed to save, and automatically succeed. It also doesn|t work on subjects with no Constitution score, since they are, by definition, not living. (See the Affects Objects extra for a version of Healing that affects such subjects.)

Power Feats



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