Revision history for MMHealing
||**Type:** Alteration||**Action:** Full (active)||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** Fortitude (harmless)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** Fortitude (harmless)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
- **Resurrection (+1): **You can restore life to the dead! If the subject has been dead for fewer minutes than your power rank, the subject makes a DC 20 Con check with a bonus equal to your power rank. If successful, the patient|s condition becomes disabled and unconscious. If the check fails, you can|t try again. If you apply the Progression feat, move the maximum amount of time a subject can be dead one step up the [[MMTimeTable Time Table]] (from power rank minutes to power rank x 5 minutes, then power rank x 20 minutes, power rank hours, and so forth).
- **Temporary (-1): **The benefits of your Healing are temporary, lasting for a short time, after which the subject|s damage returns. The Healing benefits last for one hour, then the subject regains any damage conditions you healed. These conditions stack with any others the subject acquired since the initial healing, which may result in more severe injuries or even death. If your Healing is even more temporary than an hour, apply a 1-point power drawback for each step down the [[MMTimeTable Time Table]] (20 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute, etc.) to a minimum of a full round, keeping in mind the effect must have a final cost of at least 1 power point.
- **Temporary (-1): **The benefits of your Healing are temporary, lasting for a short time, after which the subject|s damage returns. The Healing benefits last for one hour, then the subject regains any damage conditions you healed. These conditions stack with any others the subject acquired since the initial healing, which may result in more severe injuries or even death. If your Healing is even more temporary than an hour, apply a 1-point power drawback for each step down the [[MMTimeTable Time Table]] (20 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute, etc.) to a minimum of a full round, keeping in mind the effect must have a final cost of at least 1 power point.
- **Temporary (-1): **The benefits of your Healing are temporary, lasting for a short time, after which the subject|s damage returns. The Healing benefits last for one hour, then the subject regains any damage conditions you healed. These conditions stack with any others the subject acquired since the initial healing, which may result in more severe injuries or even death. If your Healing is even more temporary than an hour, apply a 1-point power drawback for each step down the Time Table (20 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute, etc.) to a minimum of a full round, keeping in mind the effect must have a final cost of at least 1 power point.