Revision [1285]

This is an old revision of MMLifeControl made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-10-03 15:24:57.


Life Control

Effect: Array (Nauseate) Action: Standard (active)
Range: Perception Duration: Instant (lasting)
Saving Throw: Fortitude Cost: 4 points per rank

You can exert control over the processes of life and, perhaps, over organic matter itself. You can disrupt the biological functions of another creature in your line of sight like a Nauseate effect (with a Fortitude save to resist; see the Nauseate effect description for details).


Life Control can counter itself and Healing effects, disrupting their beneficial effect on a subject. For a broader ability to counter effects with biological descriptors, see the Alternate Powers in the following section.

Alternate Powers

Associated Effects

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