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This is an old revision of MMFlaws made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-07-22 19:11:04.



Check Required (-1 modifier)

An effect with this flaw requires a check of some sort (usually a skill check) with a Difficulty of (10 + power rank) in order to work normally. If the check fails, the effect doesn|t work, although the action required to use it is expended (so attempting to activate an effect that takes a standard action takes a standard action whether the check is successful or not).

If the check succeeds, the character gains the use of 1 power rank per point the check exceeds the DC. Thus a check result of 18 against DC 14 allows the character to use up to 4 ranks of the power (18 - 14). If a lesser rank of the power doesn|t do anything, then it|s the same as failing the check.

The check occurs as part of the action to use the effect and provides no benefit other than helping to activate it. Normal modifiers apply to the check, however, and if you are unable to make the required check for any reason, then the effect doesn|t work.

A natural 1 rolled on the check means it fails automatically, regardless of the check result. So there is always a small chance the effect won|t work, regardless of the character|s check bonus.

This check must be in addition to any check(s) normally required for the effect. So, for example, the normal Notice or Search check made in conjunction with a sensory effect does not count as an application of this flaw, and applying it means an additional check is required before the effect|s normally required check(s).

Check Examples

Skill checks an effect may require include:

Duration (-1 modifier/step)

An effect has one of the following durations: instant, concentration, sustained, or continuous. Reducing duration one step (sustained to concentration, for example) is a -1 modifier. An effect|s duration cannot be decreased below instant, and many effects become virtually useless if their duration is decreased below concentration.

Limited (-1 modifier)

An effect with this flaw is not effective all the time. Limited powers generally break down into two types: those usable only in certain situations and those usable only on certain things. For example Only Useable While Singing Loudly, Only Usable While Flying, Only Usable on Men (or Women), Only Usable Against Fire, and so forth. As a general rule, the power must lose about half its usefulness to qualify for this modifier.

A great many other modifiers can be seen as variations on the Limited flaw (such as Unreliable, which also makes an effect ineffective about half the time), a number of examples are provided in the Chapter 3, but players and GMs should feel free to come up with their own.

Permanent (-1 modifier)

A continuous power with this flaw cannot be turned off; it is always on by default. If some outside force turns it off--usually a Nullify effect--it turns back on automatically as a reaction at the earliest opportunity. Additionally, you cannot improve a Permanent power using extra effort. This includes adding temporary power feats. Permanent powers may be rather inconvenient at times (including things like being permanently incorporeal or 30 feet tall); this is included in the value of the Permanent flaw. Permanent effects that are not inconvenient in any way generally don|t qualify for this flaw, and the Gamemaster should control the application of the Permanent flaw to ensure it is actually a flaw.

Range (-1 modifier/step)

An effect has a range of touch, ranged, or perception. Decreasing an effect|s range by one step (from ranged to touch, for example) is a -1 modifier. Extended range powers have their range determined by power rank. To change the power|s range, increase or decrease its rank; this flaw does not apply. Touch range effects cannot usually decrease their range, since it limits the effect to the user, which generally makes the effect more of a drawback than anything. In cases where it|s allowed, moving a touch range effect to personal is also a -1 flaw.

Side Effect (-1/-2 modifier)

Failing to successfully use an effect with this flaw causes some problematic side effect. Failure includes missing an attack roll, or the target successfully saving against the power|s effect. If the side effect always occurs when you use the power, it is a -2 modifier. The exact nature of the side effect is for you and the Gamemaster to determine.

As a general guideline, it should be an effect about the same in value as the power with this flaw, not including the cost reduction for the flaw. So an effect with a cost of 20 points should have a 20-point side effect. Typical side effects include Blast, Drain, and Stun, or the same effect as the power (it essentially rebounds and affects you). The Side Effect does not require an attack roll and only affects you, although the GM may permit some Side Effects with the Area modifier on a case-by-case basis.

Some "side effects" of powers may actually be Temporary Disabilities (see Temporary Disability, page 108, for details).
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