Revision [1406]

This is an old revision of MMAirControl made by GilbertoLeon on 2012-03-06 14:30:51.


Air Control

Effect: Array (Move Object)Action: Standard (active)
Range: PerceptionDuration: Sustained
Saving Throw: See descriptionCost: 2 points per rank

You have the ability to shape and direct masses of air. You can create powerful winds, moving objects with an effective Strength of (Air Control rank x 5). So a character with Air Control 5 can create winds able to move objects with an effective Strength of 25 (5 x 5), moving a heavy load of up to 800 lbs. and pushing up to 4,000 lbs. or so (like pushing along a wheeled vehicle, for example).

A powerful gust of wind can knock a target off his feet. Treat this as a trip attack, with no attack roll required since Air Control is perception range. The target makes a Strength or Dexterity check (whichever is greater) against the results of your Air Control check. If you win the opposed check, the target falls prone. The target does not get the opportunity to trip you, since it|s the air, and not you, doing the tripping.


The ability to control the air offers a number of opportunities for countering different effects.

You can counter the effects of natural wind as well as others| use of Air Control. An air controller can blow out fires (an Air Control check against the fire|s rank or damage bonus) and counter specific uses of Fire Control, although powerful gusts of air only feed fires with enough fuel, and the GM can rule that large areas of fire--say (Air Control rank x 5 ft.) in radius--are beyond a particular character|s ability to extinguish.

Air Control can counter some forms of Flight, creating powerful winds that ground their target. This depends on the Flight power|s descriptors and the GM|s judgment.

Finally, while it|s not really "countering" per se, you can use Air Control|s ability to move things to create "cushions" of air to catch falling objects, perhaps even those that have had their Flight countered! Subtract the power|s rank from the falling damage each round; a few rounds are usually sufficient to slow a fall enough to land feather-light on the ground.

Alternate Powers

The following are additional Alternate Powers suited to an Air Control Array:

Power Feats


Associated Effects

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