Move Object

Type: GeneralAction: Standard (active)
Range: RangedDuration: Sustained
Saving Throw: NoneCost: 2 points per rank

You can move objects at a distance without touching them. Move Object has no action/reaction; a moving object cannot drag the character "holding on" to it, for example. This effect is also not considered "physical contact" or "touch" for effects requiring it.

Your effective Strength for lifting and moving objects with this effect is 5 times your power rank (see Carrying Capacity, M&M, page 35). By taking a full action and concentrating you can increase this by +5 Str for as long as you concentrate, taking a standard action each round to do so. This is in addition to using extra effort to further double your carrying capacity.

This effect can move objects, but cannot perform tasks of fine manipulation (like untying knots, typing, or manipulating controls) without the Precise power feat (see the Power Feats for this power). Objects equaling a heavy load or more move at a rate of 5 feet per round. Lighter objects move a distance each round like they were thrown with your effective Strength. Objects thrown as attacks base their damage off your power rank as if it were your Strength bonus.

Move Object cannot inflict damage directly; you can|t "punch" or "crush" objects with it. You can use it to make disarm and trip attacks. Using Move Object to "grab" a creature is an attack similar to a grapple with a Strength bonus equal to your power rank (see Grapple, M&M, page 156). The target cannot grapple you and you cannot inflict damage, only pin and hold the target immobile. You can move a pinned target like you would any other object, so long as the target remains pinned. Using Move Object to grapple requires a standard action. You can throw a pinned target as a move action (M&M, page 157).

Power Feats



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