Revision [198]

This is an old revision of Vindalf made by GilbertoLeon on 2011-03-05 10:49:40.




Power level: 10 (155 pp)

Abilities: STR 22 [30 (Bear Form)] (+6/+10), DEX 14 (+2), CON 20 (+5), INT 10 (+0), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 8 (-1)

Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+14), Climb 12 (+18/+22), Intimidate 12 (+11/+13), Notice 10 (+12), Search 6 (+6), Survival 12 (+14), Swim 12 (+18/+22)

Feats: Defensive Roll 2, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Olfatory)


Immunity 1 (Need for sleep; 1 pp)

Features 1 (Longevity; 1 pp)

Super Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Scent; 2 pp)

Device 1 [Bear Fang] (Easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted (Aelfhelm|s Bear Warriors); 3 pp)

Leaping 2 (x5; 2 pp)

Alternate Form 6 [Bear Form] (Extras: Duration [Continuous; +1], Total Fade [+1]; Flaws: Fades [Recovered after recovering from Rage fatigue;-1]; Drawbacks: Fades when Rage ends [Fades at 2 pp/rank; -1 pp]; Power Feats: Rage 5 (+4 Str, +2 Fortitude and Will saves, -2 Defense for 20 rounds); 40 pp)

Bear Fang (5 pp total)
Strike 2 (PF: Extended Reach [5 ft], Improved Critical [19-20], Mighty; 5 pp)

Bear Form (30 pp total)
Growth 4 (Extras: Duration [Continuous; +1]; Flaws: Permanent [-1], Limited [No Constitution increase; -1], Limited [Half Strength increase; -1]; 4 pp)
Penetrating Strength 8 [Bear claws] (Power Feats: Split Attack; 9 pp)
Protection 5 (Extras: Impervious 10 [+1]: 15 pp)
Enhanced Feats 2 (Improved Grab, Improved Grapple; 2 pp)

Growth Effects
STR +4
Grapple +4
Knockback +4
Stealth -4
Intimidation +2
Carrying Capacity +5 STR
-1 Attack
-1 Defense
Speed: +5 ft.

Equipment (Wealth): Bow, long, Hide

Blast 3 [Bow, long] (Power Feats: Improved Range [25 ft.], Mighty 5; 9 ep)

Protection 2 [Hide] (2 ep)

Toughness +5
Bear Form +5 (Impervious 10)
Defensive Roll +2
Hide +2
Fortitude +12
Bear Form +2
Reflex +8
Defensive Roll +2 (Against area attacks)
Will +8
Bear Form +2

Attack +9
Bear Form -1
Bear Fang +8 (Crit on 19-20, 5ft reach)
Bow, long +8
Unarmed +6
Bear Form +4 (Penetrating 8)
Defense 19 (15 flat-footed)
Bear Form -3
Initiative +2
Grapple +15
Bear Form +8
Knockback 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
Bear Form +4

Wealth: +8 (Middle Class)

Drawbacks: Illiterate (Minor, Uncommon; 1 pp)

Abilities 28 + Skills 19 (76) + Feats 4 + Powers 49 + Combat 36 + Saves 19 - Drawbacks 1 = Total 154
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