
Area (+1 modifier)

This extra allows an effect that normally works on a single target to affect an entire area. Area effects are defined as targeted or general, by their shape, and by their interaction with effect range and duration.

Effects that already affect a given area cannot apply this modifier; their area is defined by the effect|s rank and the use of the Progression power feat (see the Progression power feat description).

General And Targeted Area Effects

Choose one of the following options:

Area Effect Shape

Choose one of the following options:

Enlarging And Reducing Area

You may affect a smaller area than your maximum by lowering the effect|s rank (reducing its effectiveness as well). So a rank 8 burst area has a radius of 40 feet (8 x 5 feet). If you lower the power|s rank to 4, you reduce the radius to 20 feet. Effects with the Full Power drawback cannot adjust their area, since you cannot voluntarily lower the effect|s rank.

The Progression power feat increases the size of an Area effect, moving its base distance one step up the Progression Table. Since power feat use is optional, you can choose not to use extra area provided by Progression without lowering the effect|s rank.

The Progression power feat can also reduce the size of an Area effect: each feat acquired for this purpose lowers the effect|s effective rank by one to a minimum of one rank. This is a separate application of Progression and is likewise optional, you choose how much to reduce the area|s size, or if you reduce it at all.

Area And Range

The Area modifier interacts with different ranges as follows:

Area And Duration

If the Area effect has a duration longer than instant, choose one of the following options (with no change in cost):

Duration (+1 modifier/step)

An effect has one of the following durations: Instant, Concentration, Sustained, or Continuous. Increasing duration one step (from instant to concentration, for example) is a +1 modifier. Permanent duration is a flaw applied to Continuous effects (see Permanent, page 104, and see Duration, page 103, for more information).

Impervious (+1 modifier)

A saving throw with this modifier is especially resistant. Any effect with a Save Difficulty modifier less than the Impervious save|s bonus is resisted automatically (that is, the saving throw automatically succeeds). So, for example, Impervious Toughness 8 automatically resists any Damage with a bonus of +7 or less. Penetrating effects can overcome some or all of an Impervious saving throw see the Penetrating extra under the Damage effect).

Impervious is primarily intended for Toughness saving throws, to handle characters immune to a certain threshold of damage, but it can be applied to other saves with the GM|s permission, to reflect characters with certain reliable capabilities in terms of resisting particular effects or hazards.

Penetrating (+1 modifier)

This extra allows Damage to overcome the effects of Impervious Toughness to a degree; the target must make a Toughness save against a Damage rank equal to the ranks of Penetrating Damage. So, if a Damage 4 (Penetrating 2) effect hits a target with Impervious Toughness 9, the target must make a Toughness save against a Damage 2 effect (equal to the Penetrating rank).
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