Revision [1442]

This is an old revision of MMTelepathy made by GilbertoLeon on 2012-03-06 15:00:45.



Effect: Communication, Mind ReadingAction: Standard (active)
Range: Perception/ExtendedDuration: Concentration (lasting)
Saving Throw: WillCost: 2 points per rank

You can read minds and project your thoughts into the minds of others. You have the Mental Communication and Mind Reading effects at your Telepathy power rank. To allow anyone to understand your projected thoughts, regardless of language, add a rank of the Comprehend effect.


Telepathy is useful for countering Mental Communication and Mind Reading as well as most maintained mental effects, by entering the subject|s mind and providing a mental "boost" in overcoming the effect. Telepathy can|t generally counter instant mental effects, but the GM should decide in any particular situation if Telepathy is able to counter a particular effect.

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