Revision history for MMSuperSenses

Revision [1350]

Last edited on 2012-03-05 23:37:40 by GilbertoLeon
{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="Type: Sensory;Action: None (passive);Range: Personal;Duration: Continuous;Saving Throw: None;Cost: 1 point per rank"}}

Revision [1349]

Edited on 2012-03-05 23:37:05 by GilbertoLeon
||**Type:** Sensory||**Action:** None (passive)||
||"**Type:** Sensory||**Action:** None (passive)||

Revision [1348]

Edited on 2012-03-05 23:36:43 by GilbertoLeon
||"**Type:** Sensory||**Action:** None (passive)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Continuous||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

Revision [305]

Edited on 2011-07-22 13:03:45 by GilbertoLeon
- **Blindsight (4 ranks): **Using a non-visual sense type (chosen when you take this effect), you can maneuver as well as a sighted character. Obscure effects are irrelevant to you unless they specifically affect the sense type you use (such as [[MMObscure Obscure Radio]] against a radar sense). You can make [[MMNotice Notice]] checks using Blindsight, but you cannot distinguish fine detail or colors (Blindsight is accurate, but not acute.)

Revision [179]

Edited on 2009-09-02 00:20:15 by GilbertoLeon
Like all sensory effects, Super-Senses uses the sense types described on page 24 as descriptors.
- **(Descriptor) Awareness (1 rank): **You can sense the use of effects of a particular descriptor with a successful Notice check (DC 10, -1 per 10 feet range). Examples include Cosmic Awareness, Divine Awareness, Magical Awareness, Mental Awareness, and so forth. You can apply enhanced sense traits to your Awareness to modify it. Choose the sense type for your Awareness; it is often a mental sense, but doesn|t have to be. Awareness counts as an "exotic sense" for noticing effects with the first rank of the Subtle power feat (see Subtle under Power Feats, page 96, for details).
- **Radio (2 ranks): **You can "hear" radio frequencies including AM, FM, television, cellular, police bands, and so forth. This allows you to pick up on [[MMCommunication Radio Communication]] (see the [[MMCommunication Communication]]effect). This is the base sense of the radio sense type. It|s ranged, radius, and acute by default.
- **Radar (3 ranks): **By sending out radiowave emissions that bounce off solid surfaces, you can build an accurate picture of your surroundings. Accurate, Radius, Ranged Radio Sense.
- **Tremorsense (2 ranks): **You can accurately feel the location of moving objects in contact with the same surface as you (such as the ground). If used underwater, you can feel objects moving through the water all around you, like a normal radius sense. Accurate Ranged Touch.
Like all sensory effects, Super-Senses uses the sense types described on page 68 as descriptors.
- **(Descriptor) Awareness (1 rank): **You can sense the use of effects of a particular descriptor with a successful Notice check (DC 10, -1 per 10 feet range). Examples include Cosmic Awareness, Divine Awareness, Magical Awareness, Mental Awareness, and so forth. You can apply enhanced sense traits to your Awareness to modify it. Choose the sense type for your Awareness; it is often a mental sense, but doesn|t have to be. Awareness counts as an "exotic sense" for noticing effects with the first rank of the Subtle power feat (see Subtle under Super-Senses| Power Feats for details).
- **Radio (1 rank): **You can "hear" radio frequencies including AM, FM, television, cellular, police bands, and so forth. This allows you to pick up on [[MMCommunication Radio Communication]] (see the [[MMCommunication Communication]]effect). This is the base sense of the radio sense type. It|s ranged, radius, and accurate by default.
- **Radar (4 ranks): **By sending out radiowave emissions that bounce off solid surfaces, you can build an accurate picture of your surroundings. Accurate, Radius, Ranged Radio Sense.
- **Tremorsense (3 ranks): **You can accurately feel the location of moving objects in contact with the same surface as you (such as the ground). If used underwater, you can feel objects moving through the water all around you, like a normal radius sense. Accurate Ranged Touch.

Revision [172]

Edited on 2009-08-31 20:53:18 by GilbertoLeon
- **True Sight (10 ranks): **You automatically see through any [[MMConcealment Concealment]], [[MMIllusion Illusion]], or [[MMObscure Obscure]] effect, see the true form of any disguised creature (including traits that grant a Disguise bonus, like [[MMMorph Morph]] and [[MMShapeshift Shapeshift]]), and see any deliberately hidden or concealed item (secret door, hidden panel, etc.), although the GM may require a Notice check to detect the latter. Vision Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Counters Obscure (all), Detect Hidden.
- **True Sight (10 ranks): **You automatically see through any [[MMConcealment Concealment]], [[MMIllusion Illusion]], or [[MMObscure Obscure]] effect, see the true form of any disguised creature (including traits that grant a Disguise bonus, like [[MMMorph Morph]] and [[Shapeshift Shapeshift]]), and see any deliberately hidden or concealed item (secret door, hidden panel, etc.), although the GM may require a Notice check to detect the latter. Vision Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Counters Obscure (all), Detect Hidden.

Revision [158]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-08-31 19:49:17 by GilbertoLeon
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