Revision history for MMSnare
||**Type:** Attack||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** Reflex (staged)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** Reflex (staged)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
- **Engulf (+0): **You "snare" targets by grappling them. This includes creatures that swallow opponents whole or heroes able to engulf targets in an animated cloak. Your snare has no range and requires a melee attack roll. However, your target is rendered bound and helpless on a failed save, rather than entangled. Once you have engulfed the target, the snare has a sustained duration. You suffer Feedback (see the Feedback flaw description) from attacks against the snare, since you are the snare! If you are stunned, any engulfed victims are freed.
- **Engulf (+0): **You "snare" targets by grappling them. This includes creatures that swallow opponents whole or heroes able to engulf targets in an animated cloak. Your snare has no range and requires a melee attack roll. However, your target is rendered bound and helpless on a failed save, rather than entangled. Once you have engulfed the target, the snare has a sustained duration. You suffer Feedback (see the Feedback flaw description) from attacks against the snare and it can|t be layered, since you are the snare!
- **Suffocating (+1): **If you successfully bind (but not entangle) a target, the snare covers or blocks the target|s breathing passages. Victims can hold their breath, after which they begin suffocating. Note this is not the same as the [[MMSuffocate Suffocate]] effect, which causes victims to begin suffocating immediately and does not allow them to hold their breath.