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||**Type:** Attack||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** Reflex (staged)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||

You can restrain a target with bonds of ice, glue, webbing, bands of energy, and so forth (whatever suits your descriptors). Make a ranged attack roll. If successful, the target makes a Reflex saving throw. On a failed save, the target is entangled, suffering a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Defense, and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. If the Snare is anchored to an immobile object (such as the ground), the entangled character cannot move from that spot. Otherwise, he can move at half speed, but can|t move all out.

If the Reflex save fails by 5 or more, or on a second successful Snare attack, the target is bound and helpless (see Condition Summary, M&M, page 171). Each additional Snare "layered" onto a helpless target increases the Snare|s Toughness by +1, to a maximum of double its normal Toughness. A bound target gains cover from the Snare (see Cover, M&M, page 160). Entangled characters do not gain this benefit.

Targets can break out of a Snare using Strength or an effect that doesn|t require freedom of movement (this may restrict the use of some powers and devices, for example). The Snare makes Toughness saves like an inanimate object with Toughness equal to its rank. If the trapped character has an attack with a damage bonus 10 or more than the Snare|s Toughness, he can break the Snare automatically as a standard action. If the trapped character has an attack with a damage bonus greater than the Snare|s Toughness +15, he can break the snare automatically as a free action. Alternately, a Snare victim can attempt an Escape Artist check to slip free as a full-round action, with a DC of 20 + the Snare|s rank.

=====Power Feats=====

- **Alternate Powers: **If you want to use your snare to form objects, acquire [[MMCreateObject Create Object]] as an Alternate Power feat.

- **Chokehold: **At the GM|s option, this feat may be available as a power feat to a snare with a Tether (see Tether, following), allowing the user to choke the target by exerting force on the tether (such as with a noose, for example). For a snare that suffocates victims on its own, see the Suffocating extra in the Extras for this power.

- **Obscures Sense: **The snare obscures one of a bound target|s senses. It may cover the eyes or ears, for example. This has no effect on targets that are only entangled. Each additional sense obscured requires another rank of this feat; for 5 ranks, the snare obscures all of a bound target|s senses.

- **Reversible: **You can remove your snare from a target at will as a free action.

- **Subtle: **A Subtle Snare effect may be transparent or shadowy, or perhaps detectable only to particular senses (mystic chains unseen by mundane eyes). A Snare with Subtle 2 is completely undetectable except by its effect on the target.

- **Tether: **You have a tether attached to your snare, allowing you to reel in or otherwise exert your strength against the target. Its maximum length is rank x 100 feet.


- **Alternate Save: **Generally, this modifier does not apply to Snare; to create a "mental snare" based on Will save, see the [[MMMindControl Mind Control]] and [[MMParalyze Paralyze]] effects instead.

- **Area: **An Area Snare effect works equally on all targets in the area; each target makes a saving throw with the result compared against the Snare|s save DC. Likewise, each target escapes from or breaks out of the Snare individually.

- **Backlash (+1): **Your snare reflects any internal attack that fails to destroy it back on the ensnared character (who saves against it normally). Attacks that destroy the snare are not reflected.

- **Constricting (+1): **If you successfully bind (not entangle) your target, the snare constricts and tightens, inflicting nonlethal damage to the target equal to half the Snare|s rank on each of your rounds.

- **Contagious: **This extra can represent a snare that|s "sticky," grows, or otherwise affects anyone coming into contact with an already snared target.

- **Engulf (+0): **You "snare" targets by grappling them. This includes creatures that swallow opponents whole or heroes able to engulf targets in an animated cloak. Your snare has no range and requires a melee attack roll. However, your target is rendered bound and helpless on a failed save, rather than entangled. Once you have engulfed the target, the snare has a sustained duration. You suffer Feedback (see the Feedback flaw description) from attacks against the snare, since you are the snare! If you are stunned, any engulfed victims are freed.

- **Regenerating (+1): **Any damage that does not break the snare disappears on the start of each of your rounds, making it difficult to wear it down over time.

- **Suffocating (+1): **If you successfully bind (but not entangle) a target, the snare covers or blocks the target|s breathing passages. Victims can hold their breath, after which they begin suffocating. Note this is not the same as the [[MMSuffocate Suffocate]] effect, which causes victims to begin suffocating immediately and does not allow them to hold their breath.

- **Transparent (+1): **The snare can|t be broken from the outside, only the inside. Attacks on the snared target do not affect the snare in any way, and it offers the target no cover.


- **Entangle (-1): **Your snare cannot inflict more than an entangle result and cannot be layered.

- **Medium (-1): **Your snare requires a particular medium or material in order to be effective, such as pre-existing plants, ice, or mud, for example. Without your medium, you cannot use Snare. More common media may qualify for a Power Loss drawback rather than this flaw, and Snares that create their own medium (the default effect) just have it as a descriptor, not a modifier.

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