Revision [334]

This is an old revision of MMShrinking made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-03-27 14:41:21.



Type: Alteration Action: Free (active)
Range: Personal Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: None Cost: 1 point per rank

You can reduce your size. Every rank of Shrinking reduces your Strength by 1 (to a minimum of Str 1). Additionally, every four ranks reduce your size category and Toughness by one. So a medium-sized creature is small and -1 Toughness at rank 4, tiny and -2 Toughness at rank 8, diminutive and -3 Toughness at rank 12, fine and -4 Toughness at rank 16, and miniscule and -5 Toughness at rank 20.

You gain all the benefits and drawbacks of your new size. For the effects of reduced size refer to the Reduced Size table and the Size section of Mutants & Masterminds (see M&M, page 34). Multiply your movement rates by the carrying capacity multiplier shown on the Reduced Size table.

Reduced Size

Size Combat Modifier Grapple Modifier Stealth Modifier Intimidation Modifier Height Weight Space Reach Carrying Capacity Shrinking Rank
Medium +0 +0 +0 +0 4-8 ft. 60-500 lbs. 5 ft. 5 ft. x1 0
Small +1 -4 +4 -2 2 ft.-4 ft. 8-60 lbs. 5 ft. 5 ft. x3/4 4
Tiny +2 -8 +8 -4 1-2 ft. 1-8 lbs. 2.5 ft. 0 ft. x1/2 8
Diminutive +4 -12 +12 -6 6 in-1 ft. 0.25-1 lb. 1 ft. 0 ft. x1/4 12
Fine +8 -16 +16 -8 3 in-6 in. 0.9-0.1 lb. 6 in. 0 ft. x1/8 16
Miniscule +12 -20 +20 -10 3 in or less 1 oz. or less 3 in. 0 ft. x1/16 20

Size Str Modifier Toughness Modifier Combat Modifier Grapple Modifier Stealth Modifier Intimidation Modifier Height Weight Space Reach Carrying Capacity Shrinking Rank
Medium -0 -0 +0 +0 +0 +0 4-8 ft. 60-500 lbs. 5 ft. 5 ft. x1 0
Small -4 -1 +1 -4 +4 -2 2 ft.-4 ft. 8-60 lbs. 5 ft. 5 ft. x3/4 4
Tiny -8 -2 +2 -8 +8 -4 1-2 ft. 1-8 lbs. 2.5 ft. 0 ft. x1/2 8
Diminutive -12 -3 +4 -12 +12 -6 6 in-1 ft. 0.25-1 lb. 1 ft. 0 ft. x1/4 12
Fine -16 -4 +8 -16 +16 -8 3 in-6 in. 0.9-0.1 lb. 6 in. 0 ft. x1/8 16
Miniscule -20 -5 +12 -20 +20 -10 3 in or less 1 oz. or less 3 in. 0 ft. x1/16 20

Power Feats




Associated Effects

The following effects may be associated with Shrinking:

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