Revision history for MMPossession

Revision [1552]

Last edited on 2012-03-22 21:31:19 by GilbertoLeon
||**Effect:** [[MMMindControl Mind Control]]||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Effect:** Mind Control||**Action:** Standard (active)||

Revision [1409]

Edited on 2012-03-06 14:32:45 by GilbertoLeon
||**Effect:** Mind Control||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Sustained (lasting)||
||**Saving Throw:** Will||**Cost:** 3 points per rank||
{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="Effect: Mind Control;Action: Standard (active);Range: Touch;Duration: Sustained (lasting);Saving Throw: Will;Cost: 3 points per rank"}}

Revision [827]

Edited on 2010-05-09 14:42:00 by GilbertoLeon
The target|s mind is suppressed and unconscious while you are in control of them. A victim of Possession gets a new saving throw for each interval on the [[MMTimeTable Time Table]] to try and throw off your control. Possessed characters used to carry out an action strongly against their nature get a new Will save immediately with a +1 to +4 bonus, depending on the type of action. A successful save ejects you from the target|s body; your own body reappears in the nearest open space. The same occurs when you leave the target|s body voluntarily.
The target|s mind is suppressed and unconscious while you are in control of them. A victim of Possession gets a new saving throw for each interval on the [[MMMMTimeTable Time Table]] to try and throw off your control. Possessed characters used to carry out an action strongly against their nature get a new Will save immediately with a +1 to +4 bonus, depending on the type of action. A successful save ejects you from the target|s body; your own body reappears in the nearest open space. The same occurs when you leave the target|s body voluntarily.

Revision [826]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-05-09 14:41:50 by GilbertoLeon
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