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||**Effect:** [[MMMindControl Mind Control]]||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Sustained (lasting)||
||**Saving Throw:** Will||**Cost:** 3 points per rank||

You can merge with and assume control of a target|s body. Touch the target and make a power check against the result of your target|s Will save. If you succeed, your body vanishes, merging with the target, and you assume control of the target|s body. You retain your mental ability scores, skills based on mental abilities, and powers with mental effects or descriptors, and gain the target|s physical ability scores, skills based on physical abilities, and powers with physical effects or descriptors. If the target|s Will save exceeds your check result, there is no effect and it requires extra effort for you to attempt to possess that target again in the same scene.

The target|s mind is suppressed and unconscious while you are in control of them. A victim of Possession gets a new saving throw for each interval on the [[MMTimeTable Time Table]] to try and throw off your control. Possessed characters used to carry out an action strongly against their nature get a new Will save immediately with a +1 to +4 bonus, depending on the type of action. A successful save ejects you from the target|s body; your own body reappears in the nearest open space. The same occurs when you leave the target|s body voluntarily.

The conditions of the target|s body--including damage conditions--affect you while you are in control but do not carry over once you leave the target|s body. Conditions affecting only the mind, such as Confuse or Mind Control, continue to affect you and not the target. If your host body|s condition becomes dead, you die as well, but if you leave the body at any point before then, you are unaffected (even if the host body|s condition is dying). If the host body is rendered unconscious, you can choose to leave it without suffering any effect (except that you can no longer use that host and must find another).

=====Power Feats=====

-**Affects Insubstantial: **Possession does not require this power feat to affect insubstantial targets; it does so by default.


-**Area: **The GM may permit this extra on Possession, essentially allowing the user to become a "group-mind" controlling multiple possessed bodies at once. The Area Possession affects everyone in the area, each saving individually against its effects. If you can choose which potential hosts are affected and which aren|t, add the Selective Attack extra. The possessor can choose to abandon hosts to avoid certain conditions (like unconsciousness or death) as described previously, and conditions affecting one host body do not affect the others. Conditions affecting the possessing mind, however, affect all of the possessed hosts equally. So, if an attacker Confuses or mentally grapples one possessed subject, everyone in the "group-mind" is affected, since they essentially share the same mind. A successful save by one host does not affect the other possessed subjects, however, they remain affected.

-**Contagious: **Possession with the Area extra might be allowed to have this extra, letting it spread like a disease from subject to subject and expanding the "group-mind" controlling it. See the Area modifier previously for guidelines on Possession spread out over multiple host bodies.

-**Duration: **Continuous Possession doesn|t allow further Will saves to end the possession. You remain in control of the host for as long as you wish or until some outside force ejects you. The GM is cautioned against allowing this extra for player characters; it is better reserved for NPC versions of Possession, unless the power has other specific limitations to balance out the greatly enhanced duration.

-**Range: **Ranged Possession requires a ranged attack roll against the target, while Perception Range Possession doesn|t require an attack roll, just the ability to accurately perceive the target, who still receives a Will save against the effect.


-**Feedback: **You suffer some effect when your host is physically damaged; make a second Toughness save against the damage, using your Possession power rank as the bonus and apply any resulting damage conditions to the possessing mind rather than the host body. Such conditions move with the possessor after leaving the host body.

-**Sense-Dependent: **In order to possess the subject they must be able to perceive you using a particular sense, so you might need to make eye contact (visual), speak or sing to the target (hearing), and so forth. A target unable to perceive you cannot be possessed.

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