Revision [255]

This is an old revision of MMLeaping made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-11-12 16:20:41.



Type: Movement Action: Move (active)
Range: Personal Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None Cost: 1 point per rank

You can make prodigious leaps. Rank 1 Leaping doubles your jumping distances. Each additional rank moves the multiple one step up the Progression Table. So at rank 9, you leap 1,000 times your normal distance. At rank 20, you can make leaps of up to 5 million times your normal distance! (Each foot becomes approximately 1,000 miles!)

You do not suffer any damage from landing after a jump, so long as it is within your maximum jumping distance. Distance multipliers are shown on the Leaping Movement table.

You can carry a light load while leaping with no reduction in distance. A medium load reduces your leaping distance to two-thirds normal, while a heavy load halves it. You cannot leap carrying more than a heavy load.

At rank 5 (50 times normal distance), you are in the air for at least a full round before you land. Each additional rank adds another full round in the air. So a rank 10 leap (x 1,000 your normal distance) lasts for six full rounds before you land. You can act normally during this time, as if you were flying, but you can|t change your speed or direction without using some other effect.

Given the previously described time requirements, Leaping does not have "all out" movement. You can make two leaps of rank 4 (25 times your normal distance) as two move actions; higher than that rank, and Leaping takes the time given in the previous paragraph.

Leaping Movement

Rank Multiplier Time
1 x2 move action
2 x5 move action
3 x10 move action
4 x25 move action
5 x50 full round
6 x100 2 rounds
7 x250 3 rounds
8 x500 4 rounds
9 x1,000 5 rounds
10 x2,500 6 rounds
11 x5,000 7 rounds
12 x10,000 8 rounds
13 x25,000 9 rounds
14 x50,000 10 rounds
15 x100,000 11 rounds
16 x250,000 12 rounds
17 x500,000 13 rounds
18 x1,000,000 14 rounds
19 x2,500,000 15 rounds
20 x5,000,000 16 rounds




Associated Effects

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