Revision [275]

This is an old revision of MMGravityControl made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-12-06 20:08:19.


Gravity Control

Effect: Array (Move Object, Area) Action: Standard (active)
Range: Ranged Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: See description Cost: 2 points per rank

You can control the intensity of gravity in a radius of (power rank x 5) feet within your range. This works like a Move Object effect at your power rank, except you can only move objects in two directions: toward the Earth (increased gravity) or away from it (decreased gravity).

Targets of increased gravity add your power|s heavy load to their encumbrance. If this exceeds the target|s maximum carrying capacity, he falls prone and cannot move without making a Strength check (DC 10 + Gravity Control rank). A successful check allows the target to take a standard or move action (but not both). Normal movement is restricted to crawling 5 feet per move action.

Targets of reduced gravity have their weight reduced by up to your power|s heavy load. If this results in a negative weight, the target "falls" upward, away from the Earth, as if thrown by someone with (Gravity Control rank x 5) Strength to a maximum distance of your affected area.


Gravity Control can counter other gravity effects and may also be able to counter other Move Object effects, depending on the descriptors, increasing an object|s effective weight as someone else tries to move it. This is a normal use of countering, don|t get into re-figuring the weights of things, just resolve the contest with an opposed power check.

Alternate Powers

The following are some appropriate Alternate Powers of a Gravity Control Array:

Power Feats


Associated Effects

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