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======Gravity Control======

||**Effect:** [[MMArray Array]] ([[MMMoveObject Move Object]], [[MMExtras Area]])||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** See description||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||

You can control the intensity of gravity in a radius of (power rank x 5) feet within your range. This works like a [[MMMoveObject Move Object]] effect at your power rank, except you can only move objects in two directions: toward the Earth (increased gravity) or away from it (decreased gravity).

Targets of increased gravity add your power|s heavy load to their encumbrance. If this exceeds the target|s maximum carrying capacity, he falls prone and cannot move without making a Strength check (DC 10 + Gravity Control rank). A successful check allows the target to take a standard or move action (but not both). Normal movement is restricted to crawling 5 feet per move action.

Targets of reduced gravity have their weight reduced by up to your power|s heavy load. If this results in a negative weight, the target "falls" upward, away from the Earth, as if thrown by someone with (Gravity Control rank x 5) Strength to a maximum distance of your affected area.


Gravity Control can counter other gravity effects and may also be able to counter other [[MMMoveObject Move Object]] effects, depending on the descriptors, increasing an object|s effective weight as someone else tries to move it. This is a normal use of countering, don|t get into re-figuring the weights of things, just resolve the contest with an opposed power check.

=====Alternate Powers=====

The following are some appropriate Alternate Powers of a Gravity Control Array:

- **Blast: **You generate a blast of gravitic force that inflicts bludgeoning damage, a [[MMDamage Ranged Damage]] effect at your Gravity Control rank.

- **Deflect: **You deflect physical projectiles by increasing their weight and causing them to miss you, a [[MMDeflect Deflect]] (slow and fast projectiles) effect at your power rank.

- **Environmental Control: **You can create either the high or low gravity environments of this effect, to do both, take two Alternate Powers (see the [[MMEnvironmentalControl Environmental Control]] effect for details).

- **Telekinesis: **You can move objects using focused gravity, a [[MMMoveObject Move Object]] effect at your power rank.

=====Power Feats=====

- **Environmental Adaptation: **Environmental Adaptation to high and low gravity are potential power feats of Gravity Control. Take each as a separate rank of Environmental Adaptation.


- **Limited to Increase or Decrease (-1): **You can only increase or decrease gravity in an area, not both.

=====Associated Effects=====

- **[[MMFlight Flight]]: **Your control over gravity may allow you to fly through the air. Affects Others and Area or Ranged are common extras for [[MMFlight Flight]] based on Gravity Control, allowing you to bestow the power of flight on others as well.

- **[[MMForceField Force Field]]: **You can surround yourself with a [[MMForceField Force Field]] of focused gravity to protect you from damage.

- **[[MMLeaping Leaping]]: **By reducing gravity|s tyrannical grip on you, you can leap greater than normal distances, just like people in lower-gravity environments. Like [[MMFlight Flight]], gravity controllers often have this power with the Affects Others and Area or Range extras.

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