Revision [833]
This is an old revision of MMFireControl made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-05-09 20:28:10.
Fire Control
Effect: Array (Move Object) | Action: Sustained (active) |
Range: Perception | Duration: Sustained |
Saving Throw: None | Cost: 2 points per rank |
You can control the movement and spread of flames with a damage bonus less than or equal to your power rank. You can make a fire "leap" up to a distance of (rank x 5) feet, which may cause it to spread to a wider area or even cross an otherwise impassable barrier or fire-break.
Fire Control is most useful for countering powers relying on cold or water descriptors, although it can potentially counter other fire effects (by consuming the oxygen they require) or even things like magnetic effects, since magnetism weakens in the presence of intense heat.
Cold and water effects can likewise counter Fire Control, as can other effects able to smother fire or prevent oxygen from reaching it, such as Earth Control under some circumstances. Even if a particular fire effect is countered, the user can still create another on the following round.
Alternate Powers
The following are some suitable Alternate Powers for a Fire Control Array, or usable in place of the base effect, if desired.
- Deflect: You can deflect incoming physical projectiles with flaming blasts, incinerating or vaporizing them before they reach you, a Deflect effect with a rank equal to your Fire Control.
- Fireball: You hurl a bolt or ball of flame that explodes on impact, covering an entire area. The damage is two-thirds your Fire Control (for the Ranged Damage Explosion effect, rounded down) and the blast has a radius of that damage bonus, times 10. Every 10 feet from the center of the blast drops the damage bonus by 1 until it reaches 0.
- Fireflash: You create a bright flare of light, a Visual Dazzle effect against one target at your Fire Control rank. You can also create a Fireflash that radiates out from you (Fire Control rank x 5) feet in all directions as a separate Alternative Effect (a Touch Range Burst Area Visual Dazzle).
- Flame Blast: You can strike targets with blasts of flame that inflict power rank damage (a Ranged Damage effect).
- Flame Objects: You can form objects out of flame like a Create Object effect at your power rank, except the objects have no Toughness score (being insubstantial) but inflict half your Fire Control power rank in damage against anyone touching them instead.
- Ignite: You can cause objects to spontaneously burst into flames (which you can then control) like the Ignite power at two-thirds of your Fire Control rank.
- Melt: You can generate heat intense enough to melt materials with a Toughness equal to or less than your Fire Control rank. So, for example, Fire Control 10 could generate enough heat to melt steel (Toughness 10), while Fire Control 20 could melt all but the most heat-resistant super-alloys.
- Nova Blast: You produce an explosion of flames like the Fireball (previously) except centered on you and with a damage bonus equal to your Fire Control rank, causing the explosion to extend further. This might be further augmented through extra effort or, using options from the Mastermind|s Manual (see Extraordinary Effort, Mastermind|s Manual, page 82).
- Smoke Cloud: You create a cloud of blinding smoke, a Visual Obscure effect equal to your Fire Control power rank.
- Suffocate: By creating choking smoke and fires that consume the available oxygen, you can create a Ranged Area Burst Suffocate effect at half your Fire Control power rank.
Associated Effects
- Fire Flight: By projecting fire behind you like a rocket, and possibly generating lift through heat, you can fly through the air, giving you the Flight effect.
- Fire Form: The power to control fire may also allow you to transform into fire. This is a bit more advanced than the Flame Aura power (see the following) in that you actually become a being of living flame (see the Alternate Form power for guidelines on creating a fire form).
- Flame Aura: Your surround your body in a damaging aura of flames (see the Energy Aura power description for details).
- Immunity: Controlling fire may provide a degree of Immunity, ranging from hot environments (1 rank) to fire damage (5 ranks) or all fire effects (10 ranks). Some fire-controllers have Immunity to Fire Limited to flames under their direct control (-1 flaw).
- Smoke Form: Rather than transforming into flame, a fire-controller might turn into a cloud of smoke (see Alternate Form for creating such a gaseous form, most likely with some sort of Suffocate effect to represent the choking caused by smoke inhalation).
- Super-Senses: Super-Senses appropriate for a fire-controller include infravision (seeing heat sources, 1 rank).