Revision [919]

This is an old revision of MMExtras made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-07-22 16:07:07.


Impervious (+1 modifier)

A saving throw with this modifier is especially resistant. Any effect with a Save Difficulty modifier less than the Impervious save|s bonus is resisted automatically (that is, the saving throw automatically succeeds). So, for example, Impervious Toughness 8 automatically resists any Damage with a bonus of +7 or less. Penetrating effects can overcome some or all of an Impervious saving throw see the Penetrating extra under the Damage effect).

Impervious is primarily intended for Toughness saving throws, to handle characters immune to a certain threshold of damage, but it can be applied to other saves with the GM|s permission, to reflect characters with certain reliable capabilities in terms of resisting particular effects or hazards.

Penetrating (+1 modifier)

This extra allows Damage to overcome the effects of Impervious Toughness to a degree; the target must make a Toughness save against a Damage rank equal to the ranks of Penetrating Damage. So, if a Damage 4 (Penetrating 2) effect hits a target with Impervious Toughness 9, the target must make a Toughness save against a Damage 2 effect (equal to the Penetrating rank).
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