Revision history for MMExtras

Revision [924]

Last edited on 2010-07-22 19:02:34 by GilbertoLeon
=====Area (+1 modifier)=====
This extra allows an effect that normally works on a single target to affect an entire area. Area effects are defined as targeted or general, by their shape, and by their interaction with effect range and duration.
Effects that already affect a given area cannot apply this modifier; their area is defined by the effect|s rank and the use of the Progression power feat (see the [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] description).
====General And Targeted Area Effects====
Choose one of the following options:
- **General:** A general area effect follows the normal area attack rules given in Mutants & Masterminds: targets in the affected area receive a Reflex saving throw to reduce the effect (or eliminate it entirely, if they have the Evasion feat). General area effects do not require attack rolls and cannot benefit from trade-offs on power level limits; they|re limited to a saving throw DC modifier of no more than the power level.
- **Targeted:** A targeted area effect is an option for any effect that normally requires an attack roll. It allows the effect to "attack" everyone in the affected area. The attacker makes a single attack roll for the effect, comparing the result to the Defense of each potential target in the area, meaning the effect may hit some and miss others. The targets hit by the attack receive the normal saving throw against it, but do not get a Reflex save to reduce or eliminate the effect, unlike general area effects. The Evasion feat does not apply to targeted area effects, since they do not allow a Reflex saving throw. Attack and Save DC trade-offs apply to targeted area effects, since they require an attack roll.
====Area Effect Shape====
Choose one of the following options:
- **Burst:** The effect fills a sphere with a 5-foot radius per rank. Bursts on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres (rank x 5 feet) in radius and height.
- **Cloud:** The effect fills a sphere 5-feet in diameter (not radius) per rank and lingers in that area for one round after its duration expires (affecting any targets in the area normally during the additional round). Clouds on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres (rank x 5 feet) in diameter and half that distance in height.
- **Cone:** The effect fills a cone with a final length, width, and height of 10 feet per rank, spreading out from the effect|s starting point. Cones on a level surface halve their final height.
- **Cylinder:** The effect fills a cylinder with a total radius and height of 5 feet per rank. So, for example, a rank 10 Cylinder Area could have a 20-foot radius and a height of 30 feet, a 10-foot radius and a height of 40 feet, or any other combination adding up to 50 feet (10 ranks x 5 feet).
- **Line:** The effect fills a path 5 feet wide and 10 feet per rank long in a straight line.
- **Perception:** The effect works on anyone able to perceive the target point with a particular sense, chosen when you apply this extra, like a Sense-Dependent effect (see the Sense-Dependent modifier). Targets get a Reflex saving throw, as usual, but if the save is successful suffer no effect (rather than half). Concealment that prevents a target from perceiving the effect also blocks it. Perception Area effects must be General, and cannot be Targeted. This modifier includes the Sense-Dependent flaw (see Flaws) so it cannot be applied again. If it is applied to an already Sense-Dependent effect, it is a +2 extra rather than +1.
- **Shapeable:** The effect fills a 5-foot square cube per rank, and you may arrange the area|s volume in any shape you wish, so long as all of the cubes are touching. Each application of the [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] increases the number of cubes per rank (2, 5, 10, and so forth).
- **Trail:** The effect fills a line up to 10 feet per rank behind you as you move, affecting anyone in the area you|ve moved through. Note the action required to use the effect does not change unless you also apply an Action modifier. So as a default, you have to take a standard action each round to use a Trail Area attack effect.
====Enlarging And Reducing Area====
You may affect a smaller area than your maximum by lowering the effect|s rank (reducing its effectiveness as well). So a rank 8 burst area has a radius of 40 feet (8 x 5 feet). If you lower the power|s rank to 4, you reduce the radius to 20 feet. Effects with the [[MMPowerDrawbacks Full Power drawback]] cannot adjust their area, since you cannot voluntarily lower the effect|s rank.
The [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] increases the size of an Area effect, moving its base distance one step up the [[MMProgresion Progression Table]]. Since power feat use is optional, you can choose not to use extra area provided by Progression without lowering the effect|s rank.
The [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] can also reduce the size of an Area effect: each feat acquired for this purpose lowers the effect|s effective rank by one to a minimum of one rank. This is a separate application of Progression and is likewise optional, you choose how much to reduce the area|s size, or if you reduce it at all.
====Area And Range====
The Area modifier interacts with different ranges as follows:
- **Touch:** An effect must be at least touch range in order to apply the Area extra (personal range effects work only on the user by definition). A Touch Area effect originates from the user and fills the affected area; the user is not affected by it. So, for example, a touch range Burst Area Damage effect does not damage the user. This immunity does not extend to anyone else: for that, apply the Selective Attack extra.
- **Ranged:** A ranged Area effect|s area can be placed anywhere within the effect|s range, extending to fill the area|s volume.
- **Perception:** A perception range area effect can be placed anywhere the user can accurately perceive. Neither General nor Targeted Perception Area effects require an attack roll or allow a Reflex save to reduce their effects, although targets still get a normal save against the effect. General Perception Areas are blocked by concealment: if the attacker can|t accurately perceive a target in the area, it is unaffected. Thus even heavy smoke or darkness can block a General Perception Area effect. Cover that does not provide concealment does not block a General Perception Area effect. Targeted Perception Area effects are blocked by cover, much like conventional explosions: solid barriers can interfere with the effect, even if they are transparent, and the effect ignores concealment like darkness, shadows, or smoke. Only targets behind complete cover are unaffected.
==Area And Duration==
If the Area effect has a duration longer than instant, choose one of the following options (with no change in cost):
- **Stationary:** A stationary Area effect remains where it is placed for as long as the effect lasts. Anyone in the area (or entering the area) is affected for as long as they remain. Anyone leaving the area is no longer affected.
- **Attached:** An attached Area effect remains with the targets it initially affects for as long as the effect lasts, even if those targets leave the initial area. Others who enter the area after the initial effect are not affected by it, only the initial targets.
=====Duration (+1 modifier/step)=====
An effect has one of the following durations: Instant, Concentration, Sustained, or Continuous. Increasing duration one step (from instant to concentration, for example) is a +1 modifier. Permanent duration is a flaw applied to Continuous effects (see Permanent, page 104, and see Duration, page 103, for more information).
=====Impervious (+1 modifier)=====
=====Penetrating (+1 modifier)=====
======Impervious (+1 modifier)======
======Penetrating (+1 modifier)======

Revision [919]

Edited on 2010-07-22 16:07:07 by GilbertoLeon
======Impervious (+1 modifier)======
======Penetrating (+1 modifier)======
=====Area (+1 modifier)=====
This extra allows an effect that normally works on a single target to affect an entire area. Area effects are defined as targeted or general, by their shape, and by their interaction with effect range and duration.
Effects that already affect a given area cannot apply this modifier; their area is defined by the effect|s rank and the use of the Progression power feat (see the [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] description).
====General And Targeted Area Effects====
Choose one of the following options:
- **General:** A general area effect follows the normal area attack rules given in Mutants & Masterminds: targets in the affected area receive a Reflex saving throw to reduce the effect (or eliminate it entirely, if they have the Evasion feat). General area effects do not require attack rolls and cannot benefit from trade-offs on power level limits; they|re limited to a saving throw DC modifier of no more than the power level.
- **Targeted:** A targeted area effect is an option for any effect that normally requires an attack roll. It allows the effect to "attack" everyone in the affected area. The attacker makes a single attack roll for the effect, comparing the result to the Defense of each potential target in the area, meaning the effect may hit some and miss others. The targets hit by the attack receive the normal saving throw against it, but do not get a Reflex save to reduce or eliminate the effect, unlike general area effects. The Evasion feat does not apply to targeted area effects, since they do not allow a Reflex saving throw. Attack and Save DC trade-offs apply to targeted area effects, since they require an attack roll.
====Area Effect Shape====
Choose one of the following options:
- **Burst:** The effect fills a sphere with a 5-foot radius per rank. Bursts on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres (rank x 5 feet) in radius and height.
- **Cloud:** The effect fills a sphere 5-feet in diameter (not radius) per rank and lingers in that area for one round after its duration expires (affecting any targets in the area normally during the additional round). Clouds on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres (rank x 5 feet) in diameter and half that distance in height.
- **Cone:** The effect fills a cone with a final length, width, and height of 10 feet per rank, spreading out from the effect|s starting point. Cones on a level surface halve their final height.
- **Cylinder:** The effect fills a cylinder with a total radius and height of 5 feet per rank. So, for example, a rank 10 Cylinder Area could have a 20-foot radius and a height of 30 feet, a 10-foot radius and a height of 40 feet, or any other combination adding up to 50 feet (10 ranks x 5 feet).
- **Line:** The effect fills a path 5 feet wide and 10 feet per rank long in a straight line.
- **Perception:** The effect works on anyone able to perceive the target point with a particular sense, chosen when you apply this extra, like a Sense-Dependent effect (see the Sense-Dependent modifier). Targets get a Reflex saving throw, as usual, but if the save is successful suffer no effect (rather than half). Concealment that prevents a target from perceiving the effect also blocks it. Perception Area effects must be General, and cannot be Targeted. This modifier includes the Sense-Dependent flaw (see Flaws) so it cannot be applied again. If it is applied to an already Sense-Dependent effect, it is a +2 extra rather than +1.
- **Shapeable:** The effect fills a 5-foot square cube per rank, and you may arrange the area|s volume in any shape you wish, so long as all of the cubes are touching. Each application of the [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] increases the number of cubes per rank (2, 5, 10, and so forth).
- **Trail:** The effect fills a line up to 10 feet per rank behind you as you move, affecting anyone in the area you|ve moved through. Note the action required to use the effect does not change unless you also apply an Action modifier. So as a default, you have to take a standard action each round to use a Trail Area attack effect.
====Enlarging And Reducing Area====
You may affect a smaller area than your maximum by lowering the effect|s rank (reducing its effectiveness as well). So a rank 8 burst area has a radius of 40 feet (8 x 5 feet). If you lower the power|s rank to 4, you reduce the radius to 20 feet. Effects with the [[MMPowerDrawbacks Full Power drawback]] cannot adjust their area, since you cannot voluntarily lower the effect|s rank.
The [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] increases the size of an Area effect, moving its base distance one step up the [[MMProgresion Progression Table]]. Since power feat use is optional, you can choose not to use extra area provided by Progression without lowering the effect|s rank.
The [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] can also reduce the size of an Area effect: each feat acquired for this purpose lowers the effect|s effective rank by one to a minimum of one rank. This is a separate application of Progression and is likewise optional, you choose how much to reduce the area|s size, or if you reduce it at all.
====Area And Range====
The Area modifier interacts with different ranges as follows:
- **Touch:** An effect must be at least touch range in order to apply the Area extra (personal range effects work only on the user by definition). A Touch Area effect originates from the user and fills the affected area; the user is not affected by it. So, for example, a touch range Burst Area Damage effect does not damage the user. This immunity does not extend to anyone else: for that, apply the Selective Attack extra.
- **Ranged:** A ranged Area effect|s area can be placed anywhere within the effect|s range, extending to fill the area|s volume.
- **Perception:** A perception range area effect can be placed anywhere the user can accurately perceive. Neither General nor Targeted Perception Area effects require an attack roll or allow a Reflex save to reduce their effects, although targets still get a normal save against the effect. General Perception Areas are blocked by concealment: if the attacker can|t accurately perceive a target in the area, it is unaffected. Thus even heavy smoke or darkness can block a General Perception Area effect. Cover that does not provide concealment does not block a General Perception Area effect. Targeted Perception Area effects are blocked by cover, much like conventional explosions: solid barriers can interfere with the effect, even if they are transparent, and the effect ignores concealment like darkness, shadows, or smoke. Only targets behind complete cover are unaffected.
==Area And Duration==
If the Area effect has a duration longer than instant, choose one of the following options (with no change in cost):
- **Stationary:** A stationary Area effect remains where it is placed for as long as the effect lasts. Anyone in the area (or entering the area) is affected for as long as they remain. Anyone leaving the area is no longer affected.
- **Attached:** An attached Area effect remains with the targets it initially affects for as long as the effect lasts, even if those targets leave the initial area. Others who enter the area after the initial effect are not affected by it, only the initial targets.
=====Duration (+1 modifier)=====
An effect has one of the following durations: Instant, Concentration, Sustained, or Continuous. Increasing duration one step (from instant to concentration, for example) is a +1 modifier. Permanent duration is a flaw applied to Continuous effects (see Permanent, page 104, and see Duration, page 103, for more information).
=====Impervious (+1 modifier)=====
=====Penetrating (+1 modifier)=====

Revision [885]

Edited on 2010-07-22 18:58:22 by GilbertoLeon

=====Area (+1 modifier)=====

This extra allows an effect that normally works on a single target to affect an entire area. Area effects are defined as targeted or general, by their shape, and by their interaction with effect range and duration.

Effects that already affect a given area cannot apply this modifier; their area is defined by the effect|s rank and the use of the Progression power feat (see the [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] description).

====General And Targeted Area Effects====

Choose one of the following options:

- **General:** A general area effect follows the normal area attack rules given in Mutants & Masterminds: targets in the affected area receive a Reflex saving throw to reduce the effect (or eliminate it entirely, if they have the Evasion feat). General area effects do not require attack rolls and cannot benefit from trade-offs on power level limits; they|re limited to a saving throw DC modifier of no more than the power level.

- **Targeted:** A targeted area effect is an option for any effect that normally requires an attack roll. It allows the effect to "attack" everyone in the affected area. The attacker makes a single attack roll for the effect, comparing the result to the Defense of each potential target in the area, meaning the effect may hit some and miss others. The targets hit by the attack receive the normal saving throw against it, but do not get a Reflex save to reduce or eliminate the effect, unlike general area effects. The Evasion feat does not apply to targeted area effects, since they do not allow a Reflex saving throw. Attack and Save DC trade-offs apply to targeted area effects, since they require an attack roll.

====Area Effect Shape====

Choose one of the following options:

- **Burst:** The effect fills a sphere with a 5-foot radius per rank. Bursts on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres (rank x 5 feet) in radius and height.

- **Cloud:** The effect fills a sphere 5-feet in diameter (not radius) per rank and lingers in that area for one round after its duration expires (affecting any targets in the area normally during the additional round). Clouds on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres (rank x 5 feet) in diameter and half that distance in height.

- **Cone:** The effect fills a cone with a final length, width, and height of 10 feet per rank, spreading out from the effect|s starting point. Cones on a level surface halve their final height.

- **Cylinder:** The effect fills a cylinder with a total radius and height of 5 feet per rank. So, for example, a rank 10 Cylinder Area could have a 20-foot radius and a height of 30 feet, a 10-foot radius and a height of 40 feet, or any other combination adding up to 50 feet (10 ranks x 5 feet).

- **Line:** The effect fills a path 5 feet wide and 10 feet per rank long in a straight line.

- **Perception:** The effect works on anyone able to perceive the target point with a particular sense, chosen when you apply this extra, like a Sense-Dependent effect (see the Sense-Dependent modifier). Targets get a Reflex saving throw, as usual, but if the save is successful suffer no effect (rather than half). Concealment that prevents a target from perceiving the effect also blocks it. Perception Area effects must be General, and cannot be Targeted. This modifier includes the Sense-Dependent flaw (see Flaws) so it cannot be applied again. If it is applied to an already Sense-Dependent effect, it is a +2 extra rather than +1.

- **Shapeable:** The effect fills a 5-foot square cube per rank, and you may arrange the area|s volume in any shape you wish, so long as all of the cubes are touching. Each application of the [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] increases the number of cubes per rank (2, 5, 10, and so forth).

- **Trail:** The effect fills a line up to 10 feet per rank behind you as you move, affecting anyone in the area you|ve moved through. Note the action required to use the effect does not change unless you also apply an Action modifier. So as a default, you have to take a standard action each round to use a Trail Area attack effect.

====Enlarging And Reducing Area====

You may affect a smaller area than your maximum by lowering the effect|s rank (reducing its effectiveness as well). So a rank 8 burst area has a radius of 40 feet (8 x 5 feet). If you lower the power|s rank to 4, you reduce the radius to 20 feet. Effects with the [[MMPowerDrawbacks Full Power drawback]] cannot adjust their area, since you cannot voluntarily lower the effect|s rank.

The [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] increases the size of an Area effect, moving its base distance one step up the [[MMProgresion Progression Table]]. Since power feat use is optional, you can choose not to use extra area provided by Progression without lowering the effect|s rank.

The [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] can also reduce the size of an Area effect: each feat acquired for this purpose lowers the effect|s effective rank by one to a minimum of one rank. This is a separate application of Progression and is likewise optional, you choose how much to reduce the area|s size, or if you reduce it at all.

====Area And Range====

The Area modifier interacts with different ranges as follows:

- **Touch:** An effect must be at least touch range in order to apply the Area extra (personal range effects work only on the user by definition). A Touch Area effect originates from the user and fills the affected area; the user is not affected by it. So, for example, a touch range Burst Area Damage effect does not damage the user. This immunity does not extend to anyone else: for that, apply the Selective Attack extra.

- **Ranged:** A ranged Area effect|s area can be placed anywhere within the effect|s range, extending to fill the area|s volume.

- **Perception:** A perception range area effect can be placed anywhere the user can accurately perceive. Neither General nor Targeted Perception Area effects require an attack roll or allow a Reflex save to reduce their effects, although targets still get a normal save against the effect. General Perception Areas are blocked by concealment: if the attacker can|t accurately perceive a target in the area, it is unaffected. Thus even heavy smoke or darkness can block a General Perception Area effect. Cover that does not provide concealment does not block a General Perception Area effect. Targeted Perception Area effects are blocked by cover, much like conventional explosions: solid barriers can interfere with the effect, even if they are transparent, and the effect ignores concealment like darkness, shadows, or smoke. Only targets behind complete cover are unaffected.

==Area And Duration==

If the Area effect has a duration longer than instant, choose one of the following options (with no change in cost):

- **Stationary:** A stationary Area effect remains where it is placed for as long as the effect lasts. Anyone in the area (or entering the area) is affected for as long as they remain. Anyone leaving the area is no longer affected.

- **Attached:** An attached Area effect remains with the targets it initially affects for as long as the effect lasts, even if those targets leave the initial area. Others who enter the area after the initial effect are not affected by it, only the initial targets.

=====Duration (+1 modifier)=====

An effect has one of the following durations: Instant, Concentration, Sustained, or Continuous. Increasing duration one step (from instant to concentration, for example) is a +1 modifier. Permanent duration is a flaw applied to Continuous effects (see Permanent, page 104, and see Duration, page 103, for more information).

=====Impervious (+1 modifier)=====

A saving throw with this modifier is especially resistant. Any effect with a Save Difficulty modifier less than the Impervious save|s bonus is resisted automatically (that is, the saving throw automatically succeeds). So, for example, Impervious Toughness 8 automatically resists any Damage with a bonus of +7 or less. Penetrating effects can overcome some or all of an Impervious saving throw see the Penetrating extra under the [[MMDamage Damage]] effect).

Impervious is primarily intended for Toughness saving throws, to handle characters immune to a certain threshold of damage, but it can be applied to other saves with the GM|s permission, to reflect characters with certain reliable capabilities in terms of resisting particular effects or hazards.

=====Penetrating (+1 modifier)=====

This extra allows Damage to overcome the effects of Impervious Toughness to a degree; the target must make a Toughness save against a Damage rank equal to the ranks of Penetrating Damage. So, if a Damage 4 (Penetrating 2) effect hits a target with Impervious Toughness 9, the target must make a Toughness save against a Damage 2 effect (equal to the Penetrating rank).

Revision [877]

Edited on 2010-07-22 12:01:38 by GilbertoLeon

=====Area (+1 modifier)=====

This extra allows an effect that normally works on a single target to affect an entire area. Area effects are defined as targeted or general, by their shape, and by their interaction with effect range and duration.

Effects that already affect a given area cannot apply this modifier; their area is defined by the effect|s rank and the use of the Progression power feat (see the [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] description).

====General And Targeted Area Effects====

Choose one of the following options:

- **General:** A general area effect follows the normal area attack rules given in Mutants & Masterminds: targets in the affected area receive a Reflex saving throw to reduce the effect (or eliminate it entirely, if they have the Evasion feat). General area effects do not require attack rolls and cannot benefit from trade-offs on power level limits; they|re limited to a saving throw DC modifier of no more than the power level.

- **Targeted:** A targeted area effect is an option for any effect that normally requires an attack roll. It allows the effect to "attack" everyone in the affected area. The attacker makes a single attack roll for the effect, comparing the result to the Defense of each potential target in the area, meaning the effect may hit some and miss others. The targets hit by the attack receive the normal saving throw against it, but do not get a Reflex save to reduce or eliminate the effect, unlike general area effects. The Evasion feat does not apply to targeted area effects, since they do not allow a Reflex saving throw. Attack and Save DC trade-offs apply to targeted area effects, since they require an attack roll.

====Area Effect Shape====

Choose one of the following options:

- **Burst:** The effect fills a sphere with a 5-foot radius per rank. Bursts on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres (rank x 5 feet) in radius and height.

- **Cloud:** The effect fills a sphere 5-feet in diameter (not radius) per rank and lingers in that area for one round after its duration expires (affecting any targets in the area normally during the additional round). Clouds on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres (rank x 5 feet) in diameter and half that distance in height.

- **Cone:** The effect fills a cone with a final length, width, and height of 10 feet per rank, spreading out from the effect|s starting point. Cones on a level surface halve their final height.

- **Cylinder:** The effect fills a cylinder with a total radius and height of 5 feet per rank. So, for example, a rank 10 Cylinder Area could have a 20-foot radius and a height of 30 feet, a 10-foot radius and a height of 40 feet, or any other combination adding up to 50 feet (10 ranks x 5 feet).

- **Line:** The effect fills a path 5 feet wide and 10 feet per rank long in a straight line.

- **Perception:** The effect works on anyone able to perceive the target point with a particular sense, chosen when you apply this extra, like a Sense-Dependent effect (see the Sense-Dependent modifier). Targets get a Reflex saving throw, as usual, but if the save is successful suffer no effect (rather than half). Concealment that prevents a target from perceiving the effect also blocks it. Perception Area effects must be General, and cannot be Targeted. This modifier includes the Sense-Dependent flaw (see Flaws) so it cannot be applied again. If it is applied to an already Sense-Dependent effect, it is a +2 extra rather than +1.

- **Shapeable:** The effect fills a 5-foot square cube per rank, and you may arrange the area|s volume in any shape you wish, so long as all of the cubes are touching. Each application of the [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] increases the number of cubes per rank (2, 5, 10, and so forth).

- **Trail:** The effect fills a line up to 10 feet per rank behind you as you move, affecting anyone in the area you|ve moved through. Note the action required to use the effect does not change unless you also apply an Action modifier. So as a default, you have to take a standard action each round to use a Trail Area attack effect.

====Enlarging And Reducing Area====

You may affect a smaller area than your maximum by lowering the effect|s rank (reducing its effectiveness as well). So a rank 8 burst area has a radius of 40 feet (8 x 5 feet). If you lower the power|s rank to 4, you reduce the radius to 20 feet. Effects with the [[MMPowerDrawbacks Full Power drawback]] cannot adjust their area, since you cannot voluntarily lower the effect|s rank.

The [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] increases the size of an Area effect, moving its base distance one step up the [[MMProgresion Progression Table]]. Since power feat use is optional, you can choose not to use extra area provided by Progression without lowering the effect|s rank.

The [[MMPowerFeats Progression power feat]] can also reduce the size of an Area effect: each feat acquired for this purpose lowers the effect|s effective rank by one to a minimum of one rank. This is a separate application of Progression and is likewise optional, you choose how much to reduce the area|s size, or if you reduce it at all.

====Area And Range====

The Area modifier interacts with different ranges as follows:

- **Touch:** An effect must be at least touch range in order to apply the Area extra (personal range effects work only on the user by definition). A Touch Area effect originates from the user and fills the affected area; the user is not affected by it. So, for example, a touch range Burst Area Damage effect does not damage the user. This immunity does not extend to anyone else: for that, apply the Selective Attack extra.

- **Ranged:** A ranged Area effect|s area can be placed anywhere within the effect|s range, extending to fill the area|s volume.

- **Perception:** A perception range area effect can be placed anywhere the user can accurately perceive. Neither General nor Targeted Perception Area effects require an attack roll or allow a Reflex save to reduce their effects, although targets still get a normal save against the effect. General Perception Areas are blocked by concealment: if the attacker can|t accurately perceive a target in the area, it is unaffected. Thus even heavy smoke or darkness can block a General Perception Area effect. Cover that does not provide concealment does not block a General Perception Area effect. Targeted Perception Area effects are blocked by cover, much like conventional explosions: solid barriers can interfere with the effect, even if they are transparent, and the effect ignores concealment like darkness, shadows, or smoke. Only targets behind complete cover are unaffected.

==Area And Duration==

If the Area effect has a duration longer than instant, choose one of the following options (with no change in cost):

- **Stationary:** A stationary Area effect remains where it is placed for as long as the effect lasts. Anyone in the area (or entering the area) is affected for as long as they remain. Anyone leaving the area is no longer affected.

- **Attached:** An attached Area effect remains with the targets it initially affects for as long as the effect lasts, even if those targets leave the initial area. Others who enter the area after the initial effect are not affected by it, only the initial targets.

=====Impervious (+1 modifier)=====

A saving throw with this modifier is especially resistant. Any effect with a Save Difficulty modifier less than the Impervious save|s bonus is resisted automatically (that is, the saving throw automatically succeeds). So, for example, Impervious Toughness 8 automatically resists any Damage with a bonus of +7 or less. Penetrating effects can overcome some or all of an Impervious saving throw see the Penetrating extra under the [[MMDamage Damage]] effect).

Impervious is primarily intended for Toughness saving throws, to handle characters immune to a certain threshold of damage, but it can be applied to other saves with the GM|s permission, to reflect characters with certain reliable capabilities in terms of resisting particular effects or hazards.

=====Penetrating (+1 modifier)=====

This extra allows Damage to overcome the effects of Impervious Toughness to a degree; the target must make a Toughness save against a Damage rank equal to the ranks of Penetrating Damage. So, if a Damage 4 (Penetrating 2) effect hits a target with Impervious Toughness 9, the target must make a Toughness save against a Damage 2 effect (equal to the Penetrating rank).

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