Revision history for MMEmotionControl

Revision [1357]

Last edited on 2012-03-05 23:45:13 by GilbertoLeon
||**Saving Throw:** Will (staged)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
||**Saving Throw:** Will (staged);**Cost:** 2 points per rank||

Revision [1356]

Edited on 2012-03-05 23:45:05 by GilbertoLeon
||**Type:** Sensory (mental)||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Perception||**Duration:** Sustained (lasting)||
||**Saving Throw:** Will (staged);**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="Type: Sensory (mental);Action: Standard (active);Range: Perception;Duration: Sustained (lasting);Saving Throw: Will (staged);Cost: 2 points per rank"}}

Revision [1292]

Edited on 2010-10-12 13:57:57 by GilbertoLeon
- **Calm: **The subject adopts an indifferent attitude and does not feel any strong emotion. Calm can counter any of the other emotion effects and they may counter it (see Countering Powers, M&M, page 70). Failure by 10 or more means the target will not take any hostile action unless attacked.
- **Calm: **The subject adopts an indifferent attitude and does not feel any strong emotion. Calm can counter any of the other emotion effects and they may counter it (see Countering Powers, M&M, page 70). Failure by 10 or more means the target will not take any
hostile action unless attacked.

Revision [1291]

Edited on 2010-10-12 13:56:49 by GilbertoLeon
- **Calm: **The subject adopts an indifferent attitude and does not feel any strong emotion. Calm can counter any of the other emotion effects and they may counter it (see Countering Powers, M&M, page 70). Failure by 10 or more means the target will not take any
hostile action unless attacked.
- **Calm: **The subject adopts an indifferent attitude and does not feel any strong emotion. Calm can counter any of the other emotion effects and they may counter it (see Countering Powers, M&M, page 70).

Revision [276]

Edited on 2009-12-06 20:11:56 by GilbertoLeon
- **[[MMMindReading Mind Reading]]: **[[MMMindReading Mind Reading]] (possibly Limited to a subject|s emotional state) can be a useful ability to have when you intend to manipulate someone|s emotions.
- **[[MMMindReading Mind Reading]]: **[[MMMindReading Mind Reading]] (possibly Limited to a subject|s emotional state) can be a useful ability to have when you intend to manipulate someone|s emotions (see the description of the [[MMEmpathy Empathy]] power in the next chapter for more information).

Revision [148]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-11-12 15:34:54 by GilbertoLeon
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