Revision [265]

This is an old revision of MMDrain made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-11-13 21:22:16.



Type: Trait Action: Standard (active)
Range: Touch Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Fortitude (staged) Cost: 1-5 points per rank

You can temporarily lower one of a target|s traits: an ability, skill, feat, or effects, chosen when you acquire this effect. You must touch the target, making a normal melee attack roll, and the target makes a Fortitude save.

If the save fails, the target loses 1 power point from the affected trait(s) for each point the save missed the DC, up to a maximum of the Drain rank. Lost power points return at a rate of 1 per round, except for inanimate objects, which do not recover drained Toughness; they must be repaired.

Drain|s cost per rank determines the affected trait(s):

Gamemasters should carefully control, and may wish to limit access to, the 4- and 5-point versions of Drain, since they are especially powerful.

Drain And Objects

Drain normally has no effect on inanimate objects, only creatures. Drain with the Affects Objects extra (see the Extras section) can work on inanimate objects, and Drain can couple this with the Limited to Objects flaw to work only on inanimate objects as a +0 modifier. As a general rule, most inanimate objects have only one trait (their Toughness) and Drain Toughness can weaken the Toughness (and therefore structure) of objects.

Objects do not get saving throws against Drain; it has its full effect on the targeted object. At the GM|s discretion, held or carried objects may gain a Reflex save from their wielder to reduce the Drain|s effect, representing pulling the object out of harm|s way at the last moment. Devices always get a save against Drain (see the following).

Drain And Devices

Drain with the right descriptor(s) can lower the traits provided by a Device (see Device in the Power Structures section in this chapter). For example, a Drain that affects all magical powers could potentially drain the powers of a magical device as well. Likewise a Drain affecting electrically powered equipment could drain an electrical device, and so on. This also applies to equipment, although it tends to have fewer traits to drain, and the GM should feel free to disallow any Device or equipment Drains that don|t suit the campaign or the power concept. For example, just because a Drain Damage effect is possible doesn|t mean a character should be able to cause guns to do less damage; this sort of thing is better handled by an all-or-nothing effect like Nullify (see its description later in this chapter).

Power Feats



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