Revision [1157]

This is an old revision of MMConcentration made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-09-05 15:01:10.


Concentration (Wis)

You can focus your mind and concentrate despite difficult conditions, including taking damage.

Check: Make a Concentration check whenever you might be distracted (by taking damage, by harsh weather, and so on) while engaged in some action requiring your full attention, maintaining powers with a Concentration or Sustained duration (see page 70). If the check succeeds, you may continue with the action. If the check fails, the action fails. The DC depends on the nature of the distraction.

Distraction DC
Damaged during the action 10 + damage bonus
Taking continuous damage during the action 10 + half of continuous damage bonus last dealt
Maintain a Concentration power as a move action 10 + power rank
Maintain a Sustained power as a reaction 10 + power rank
Vigorous motion (bouncy vehicle ride, small boat in rough water, below decks in a storm-tossed ship, riding a horse) 10
Violent motion (very rough vehicle ride, small boat in rapids, on deck of storm-tossed ship, galloping horse) 15
Extraordinarily violent motion (earthquake) 20
Entangled (such as by a snare) 15
Bound, grappling, or pinned 20
Weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet 5
Weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or debris 10

Try Again: Yes, although a success doesn|t cancel the effects of a previous failure, such as the disruption of an action you were concentrating on.
Action: Making a Concentration check doesn|t require an action; it is either a reaction (when attempted in response to a distraction) or a free action (when attempted actively).

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