Revision history for MMConcentration
||Weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or debris||10||
||Damaged during the action||10 + damage bonus||
||Taking continuous damage during the action||10 + half of continuous damage bonus last dealt||
||Maintain a Concentration power as a move action||10 + power rank||
||Maintain a Sustained power as a reaction||10 + power rank||
||Vigorous motion (bouncy vehicle ride, small boat in rough water, below decks in a storm-tossed ship, riding a horse)||10||
||Violent motion (very rough vehicle ride, small boat in rapids, on deck of storm-tossed ship, galloping horse)||15||
||Extraordinarily violent motion (earthquake)||20||
||Entangled (such as by a snare)||15||
||Bound, grappling, or pinned||20||
||Weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet||5||
||Weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or debris||10
||Damaged during the action||10 + damage bonus||
||Taking continuous damage during the action||10 + half of continuous damage bonus last dealt||
||Maintain a Concentration power as a move action||10 + power rank||
||Maintain a Sustained power as a reaction||10 + power rank||
||Vigorous motion (bouncy vehicle ride, small boat in rough water, below decks in a storm-tossed ship, riding a horse)||10||
||Violent motion (very rough vehicle ride, small boat in rapids, on deck of storm-tossed ship, galloping horse)||15||
||Extraordinarily violent motion (earthquake)||20||
||Entangled (such as by a snare)||15||
||Bound, grappling, or pinned||20||
||Weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet||5||
||Weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or debris||10