Revision history for MMClimb

Revision [1491]

Last edited on 2012-03-06 15:45:51 by GilbertoLeon
||--||A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface can|t be climbed without the [[MMSuperMovement Wall-Crawling]] effect.||
||--||A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface can|t be climbed without the Wall-Crawling effect (see page 102).||

Revision [1490]

Edited on 2012-03-06 15:45:16 by GilbertoLeon
||**DC**||**Example wall or Surface or Task**||
||0||A slope too steep to walk up. A ladder.||
||5||A knotted rope with a wall to brace against.||
||10||A rope with a wall to brace against. A knotted rope. A surface with sizable ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a rugged cliff face.||
||15||Any surface with adequate handholds and footholds (natural or artificial), such as a rough natural rock surface, a tree, or a chain-link fence. An unknotted rope. Pulling yourself up when dangling by your hands.||
|| 20||An uneven surface with just a few narrow handholds and footholds, such as a coarse masonry wall or a sheer cliff face with a few crevices and small toeholds.||
||25||A rough surface with no real handholds or footholds, such as a brick wall.||
||25||Overhang or ceiling with handholds but no footholds.||
||--||A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface can|t be climbed without the Wall-Crawling effect (see page 102).||
||-10||Climbing inside an air duct, chimney, or other location where you can brace against two opposite walls (reduces normal DC by 10).||
||-5||Climbing a corner where you can brace against perpendicular walls (reduces normal DC by 5).||
||+5||Surface is slippery (increases normal DC by 5).||
{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="DC;Example wall or Surface or Task;0;A slope too steep to walk up. A ladder.;5;A knotted rope with a wall to brace against.;10;A rope with a wall to brace against. A knotted rope. A surface with sizable ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a rugged cliff face.;15;Any surface with adequate handholds and footholds (natural or artificial), such as a rough natural rock surface, a tree, or a chain-link fence. An unknotted rope. Pulling yourself up when dangling by your hands.; 20;An uneven surface with just a few narrow handholds and footholds, such as a coarse masonry wall or a sheer cliff face with a few crevices and small toeholds.;25;A rough surface with no real handholds or footholds, such as a brick wall.;25;Overhang or ceiling with handholds but no footholds.;--;A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface can|t be climbed without the Wall-Crawling effect (see page 102).;-10;Climbing inside an air duct, chimney, or other location where you can brace against two opposite walls (reduces normal DC by 10).;-5;Climbing a corner where you can brace against perpendicular walls (reduces normal DC by 5).;+5;Surface is slippery (increases normal DC by 5)."}}

Revision [1155]

Edited on 2010-09-05 14:48:44 by GilbertoLeon
- //Fighting While Climbing:// Since you can|t easily move to avoid an attack, you lose your dodge bonus while climbing. Any time you take damage while climbing, make an immediate Climb check against the DC of the slope or wall. Failure means you fall and sustain the appropriate falling damage.
- //Accelerated Movement:// You can try to climb faster than normal. You can move your full speed, but take a -5 penalty on your Climb check. Moving twice your speed requires two checks at -5, one for each move action.
**Action:** Climbing one-half your speed is a full-round action. Moving half that fast (one-fourth your speed) is a move action. Accelerated climbing, allowing you to climb at full speed, is a full-round action. You can move half that far (one-half your speed) as a move action.
**Special:** At the GM|s discretion, certain kinds of climbing attempts might require tools like ropes, pitons, harness, and so forth. Attempting such a climb without tools incurs a -4 penalty.
- //Accelerated Movement:// You can try to move faster than normal while balancing. You can move your full speed, but take a -5 penalty on your Acrobatics check. Moving twice your speed requires two checks, one for each move action.
- //Jumping:// You can make an Acrobatics check to extend the distance you can jump (see Jumping, page 34) by 1 foot per point your check exceeds DC 15.
- //Falling:// You can make an Acrobatics check (DC 5) to lessen damage from a fall. Subtract the amount your roll exceeds the DC from the distance of a fall in feet before determining damage. So an Acrobatics check of 20 (15 more than the DC) reduces the effective distance of a fall by 15 feet. A fall reduced to 0 distance does no damage and you land on your feet. You can reduce knockback damage in the same way (see Knockback, page 165).
- //Avoiding Being Tripped:// You can make an Acrobatics check in place of the Strength or Dexterity check to avoid a trip attack (see Trip, page 159). You cannot use Acrobatics to make trip attacks, however.
- //Instant Up:// You can make an Acrobatics check (DC 20) to stand from a prone position as a free action rather than a move action.
- //Performance:// You can use Acrobatics as an [[MMExpertise Expertise]] skill to impress an audience.
**Try Again:** No.
**Action:** Free. If you actually move as part of your Acrobatics check, then it counts as part of your move action.
**Special:** The balancing aspects of Acrobatics can be used untrained.

Revision [1154]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-09-05 14:47:24 by GilbertoLeon
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