Climb (Str)

You|re skilled in scaling angled and uneven surfaces.

Check: With each successful Climb check, you can move up, down, or across a slope, wall, or other steep incline (even a ceiling with handholds). A slope is any incline of less than 60 degrees; a wall is any incline of 60 degrees or steeper.

A failed Climb check indicates you make no progress, and failure by 5 or more means you fall from whatever height you already attained (unless you are secured with some kind of harness or other equipment). Make a Climb check to catch yourself (DC equal to wall|s DC + 20). A slope is easier to catch on (DC equal to slope|s DC + 10). It|s somewhat easier to catch someone else who falls, assuming they are within arm|s reach. Make a Climb check (DC equal to wall|s DC +10) to do so. A slope is easier (DC equal to the slope|s DC +5). If you fail the check, you do not catch the other person. If you fail by 5 or more, you fall as well.

The DC of the check depends on the conditions of the climb. If the climb is less than 10 feet, reduce the DC by 5.

DCExample wall or Surface or Task
0A slope too steep to walk up. A ladder.
5A knotted rope with a wall to brace against.
10A rope with a wall to brace against. A knotted rope. A surface with sizable ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a rugged cliff face.
15Any surface with adequate handholds and footholds (natural or artificial), such as a rough natural rock surface, a tree, or a chain-link fence. An unknotted rope. Pulling yourself up when dangling by your hands.
20An uneven surface with just a few narrow handholds and footholds, such as a coarse masonry wall or a sheer cliff face with a few crevices and small toeholds.
25A rough surface with no real handholds or footholds, such as a brick wall.
25Overhang or ceiling with handholds but no footholds.
--A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface can|t be climbed without the Wall-Crawling effect.
-10Climbing inside an air duct, chimney, or other location where you can brace against two opposite walls (reduces normal DC by 10).
-5Climbing a corner where you can brace against perpendicular walls (reduces normal DC by 5).
+5Surface is slippery (increases normal DC by 5).

Action: Climbing one-half your speed is a full-round action. Moving half that fast (one-fourth your speed) is a move action. Accelerated climbing, allowing you to climb at full speed, is a full-round action. You can move half that far (one-half your speed) as a move action.
Special: At the GM|s discretion, certain kinds of climbing attempts might require tools like ropes, pitons, harness, and so forth. Attempting such a climb without tools incurs a -4 penalty.

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