Revision [54]

This is an old revision of MMBenchmarks made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-08-13 17:59:29.


Benchmarks de habilidades

1 -5 Completely inept or disabled
2 3 -4 Weak, infant
4 5 -3 Younger child
6 7 -2 Child, elderly, impaired
8 9 -1 Below average
teenager 10 11 +0
Average adult 12 13 +1
Above average 14 15 +2
Well above average 16 17 +3
Gifted 18 19 +4
Highly gifted 20 21 +5
Best in a nation 22 23 +6
Best in the world 24 25 +7
Best ever peak of human achievement 26 27
+8 Low superhuman 28 29
+9 Moderate superhuman 30
+10 High superhuman 40
+15 Very high superhuman 50
+20 Cosmic
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