Revision [1358]
This is an old revision of MMVibrationControl made by GilbertoLeon on 2012-03-05 23:46:19.
Vibration Control
Effect: Array (Damage) | Action: Standard (active) |
Range: Ranged | Duration: Instant |
Saving Throw: Toughness | Cost: 2 points per rank |
You can generate and project vibrations, creating a blast of vibratory energy as a Ranged Bludgeoning Damage effect.
Vibration can counter other vibration effects, including sonic effects, by matching and canceling out their vibratory frequencies. Auditory Obscure effects may also be able to counter vibration effects, but they don|t do so automatically; use the normal countering rules for an opposed power check between the two.
Alternate Powers
The following are some suitable Alternate Powers for a Vibration Control Array:
- Auditory Obscure: By putting out counter-vibrations, you cancel all sound in a radius of (rank x 5) feet at normal range.
- Burrowing: Your directed vibrations can tunnel through the ground, giving you a Ranged Burrowing effect at your power rank.
- Buzzsaw: Vibrating your hands at high speed turns them into "buzzsaws" capable of cutting into almost any material, giving you a Penetrating Physical Damage effect at your power rank.
- Deflect: Vibrations allows you to Deflect incoming projectiles (slow or fast) at your Vibration Control power rank.
- Drain Toughness: By setting up the right vibrations, you can weaken the structure of objects, eventually causing them to become brittle, a Ranged Affects Only Objects Drain Toughness effect at your power rank.
- Insubstantial: You can vibrate your body|s molecules so they pass through ordinary matter, making you incorporeal like the rank 4 Insubstantial effect. You must have rank 10 Vibration Control to acquire this Alternate Power.
- Nauseate: Directed vibrations upset the target|s inner ear, inducing a Ranged Nauseate effect at two-thirds your Vibration Control power rank.
- Nullify Machines: Your vibrations can interfere with the operation of complex machines, creating a Nullify Machines effect at your power rank.
- Shockwave: You send out a shockwave of vibrations (rank x 5) feet in all directions, an Area Burst Bludgeoning Damage effect.
- Stun: A concentrated blast of vibrations hits the target with a Ranged Stun effect at two-thirds your Vibration Control rank.
Power Feats
- Affects Insubstantial: Certain vibrations may be able to affect insubstantial targets to one degree or another, granting the benefits of this power feat.
Associated Effects
- Concealment: By controlling the vibrations you emit, you can acquire Concealment from auditory senses or tremorsense.
- Force Field: You can surround yourself with a protective Force Field of vibratory force. This vibratory field may be Limited to physical damage (and realistically, probably should be), but doesn|t have to be.
- Super-Senses: Super-senses associated with Vibration Control include enhanced hearing, detect vibrations, tracking (vibration), tremorsense and and ultra-hearing.