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||**Effect:** [[MMMoveObject Move Object]]||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None (see description)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||

You can move objects at a distance just by willing it (see the [[MMMoveObject Move Object]] effect for details on how this works).


Telekinesis affects motion, so it can potentially counter any other Move Object effect, preventing someone else from moving something. Likewise, other Move Object effects may be able to counter Telekinesis; for example, Magnetic Control could counter an attempt to move a metallic object with Telekinesis.

As a general rule, Telekinesis should not be able to counter things like general attack or movement effects without taking Nullify as an Alternate Power or additional power. Likewise, using Telekinesis to actively deflect attacks should be considered an additional Deflect Alternate Power rather than an automatic capability of the power.

=====Power Feats=====

- **Precise: **Telekinesis with this power feat can function like a second set of hands. Telekinesis is ordinarily somewhat crude, capable of roughly "one-handed" manipulation; things no more complex than pressing a button or flipping a switch. You can use Precise Telekinesis to type, thread a needle, disarm a bomb, or essentially any other task you|d normally do with your hands.

- **Subtle: **Note that Telekinesis is not Subtle by default: it|s normally visible as a "tractor beam," a glow around your subject and emanating from your eyes or head, energy talons, or what have you. Telekinesis with this power feat is less noticeable ornot noticeable at all, which may suit certain types of telekinetic powers.


- **Damaging (+1): **Your Telekinesis can inflict damage equal to its rank, like an application of normal Strength. This includes damaging targets in grapples and making ranged telekinetic "punch" attacks.

- **Perception (+1): **Your Telekinesis is perception range, affecting any target you can accurately perceive, with no need for an attack roll. This power is sometimes called psychokinesis and assigned a psionic or psychic descriptor.


- **Feedback: **Manifestations of your Telekinesis can be attacked and the resulting feedback may hurt you. If a manifestation of your power is successfully attacked--someone striking your telekinetic "hard" or "arm," for example--you must make a Will saving throw with an added bonus equal to your Telekinesis rank, reading the result on the Toughness Saving Throw table for mental damage.

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