Revision [247]

This is an old revision of MMSuperStrength made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-11-11 18:52:46.


Super Strength

Type: Trait Action: None (passive)
Range: Personal Duration: Continuous
Saving Throw: None Cost: 2 points per rank

You|re capable of lifting and carrying more than normal for your Strength score, maybe much more. Each rank of Super-Strength grants you a +5 bonus to your Strength score when figuring carrying capacity (see Carrying Capacity, M&M, page 35). Your Super-Strength also gives you a +1 bonus per rank on Strength checks involving sustained application of strength or pressure, including grapple checks and breaking objects, but not Strength- based skills or melee damage.

Super Strength And Strength Bonus

Super-Strength power feats often refer to "Strength bonus," this is your normal modifier from your Strength score (including Enhanced Strength), not including any modification from Super-Strength rank unless it is specifically called out. You can think of some of the following power feats as Alternate Powers of Strength with Super-Strength as a prerequisite.

Power Feats


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