Revision history for MMSuperStrength
||**Type:** Trait||**Action:** None (passive)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Continuous||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Continuous||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
- **Shockwave: **By slamming your hands together, you create a tremendous blast of air pressure, inflicting physical damage equal to your Strength bonus in a cone-shaped area in front of you with a length and width (at the far end) equal to your Strength bonus x 10 feet. Targets in the area can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + your Strength bonus) to halve the damage.
- **Heat Vision: **You can project intense beams of light from your eyes. Treat this as a [[MMBlast Blast]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Duration [Concentration]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Strength], Distracting) attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus.
- **Shockwave: **By slamming your hands together, you create a tremendous blast of air pressure, inflicting physical damage. Treat this as a [[MMStrike Strike]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Strength]) attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus.
- **Freeze Breath: **You can exhale a freezing blast of air from your lungs, restraining targets in a cone-shaped area. Treat this as a [[MMSnare Snare]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Strength], Range [Touch]) attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus.
- **Heat Vision: **You can project intense beams of light from your eyes. Treat this as a [[MMBlast Blast]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Duration [Concentration]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Strength], Distracting) attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus.
- **Shockwave: **By slamming your hands together, you create a tremendous blast of air pressure, inflicting physical damage. Treat this as a [[MMStrike Strike]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Strength]) attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus.
- **Heat Vision: **You can project intense beams of light from your eyes. Treat this as a [[MMBlast Blast]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Duration [Concentration]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Strength], Distracting) attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus.
- **Shockwave: **By slamming your hands together, you create a tremendous blast of air pressure, inflicting physical damage. Treat this as a [[MMStrike Strike]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Strength]) attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus.
- **Heat Vision: **You can project intense beams of light from your eyes. This is treated as a [[MMBlast Blast]] attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus. Because Heat Vision requires some concentration to aim, it is Distracting, but you may continue to attack the target every round as long as you concentrate on sustaining it, just like an effect with a Duration of Concentration.
- **Shockwave: **By slamming your hands together, you create a tremendous blast of air pressure, inflicting physical damage equal to your Strength bonus in a cone-shaped area in front of you with a length and width (at the far end) equal to your Strength bonus x 10 feet. Targets in the area can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + your Strength bonus) to halve the damage.
An effect with this flaw requires a check of some sort (usually a skill check) with a Difficulty of (10 + power rank) in order to work normally. If the check fails, the effect doesn|t work, although the action required to use it is expended (so attempting to activate an effect that takes a standard action takes a standard action whether the check is successful or not).
If the check succeeds, the character gains the use of 1 power rank per point the check exceeds the DC. Thus a check result of 18 against DC 14 allows the character to use up to 4 ranks of the power (18 - 14). If a lesser rank of the power doesn|t do anything, then it|s the same as failing the check.
- **Shockwave: **By slamming your hands together, you create a tremendous blast of air pressure, inflicting physical damage. Treat this as a [[MMDamage Damage]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Str]) effect.
An effect with this flaw requires a check of some sort (usually a skill check) with a Difficulty of (10 + power rank) in order to work normally. If the check fails, the effect doesn|t work, although the action required to use it is expended (so attempting to activate an effect that takes a standard action takes a standard action whether the check is successful or not).
If the check succeeds, the character gains the use of 1 power rank per point the check exceeds the DC. Thus a check result of 18 against DC 14 allows the character to use up to 4 ranks of the power (18 - 14). If a lesser rank of the power doesn|t do anything, then it|s the same as failing the check.
- **Shockwave: **By slamming your hands together, you create a tremendous blast of air pressure, inflicting physical damage. Treat this as a [[MMDamage Damage]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Str]) effect.
If the check succeeds, the character gains the use of 1 power rank per point the check exceeds the DC. Thus a check result of 18 against DC 14 allows the character to use up to 4 ranks of the power (18 - 14). If a lesser rank of the power doesn|t do anything, then it|s the same as failing the check.
- **Shockwave: **By slamming your hands together, you create a tremendous blast of air pressure, inflicting physical damage. Treat this as a [[MMDamage Damage]] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Check Required [Str]) effect.
- **Heat Vision: **You can project intense beams of light from your eyes. This is treated as a [[MMBlast Blast]] attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus. Because Heat Vision requires some concentration to aim, it is Distracting, but you may continue to attack the target every round as long as you concentrate on sustaining it, just like an effect with a Duration of Concentration.
- **Freeze Breath: **You can exhale a freezing blast of air from your lungs, restraining targets in a cone-shaped area with a length and width at the far end equal to your Strength bonus x 10 feet as per the [[MMSnare Snare]] effect. Targets in the area can make a Reflex save to half the DC to break out of the [[MMSnare Snare]] effect.
- **Heat Vision: **You can project intense beams of light from your eyes. This is treated as a Ranged [[MMDamage Damage]] attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus. Because Heat Vision requires some concentration to aim, it is Distracting, but you may continue to attack the target every round as long as you concentrate on sustaining it, just like an effect with a Duration of Concentration.
- **Heat Vision: **You can project intense beams of light from your eyes. This is treated as a Ranged [[MMDamage Damage]] attack with a rank equal to your Strength bonus. Because Heat Vision requires some concentration to aim, it is Distracting, but you may continue to attack the target every round as long as you concentrate on sustaining it, just like an effect with a Duration of Concentration.
- **Bracing: **You can use your tremendous strength to brace against the force of an impact. This is an Alternate Power, substituting [[MMImmovable Immovable]] for Strength and applying the Sustained duration to the [[MMImmovable Immovable]] rather than Permanent (so it can be acquired as an Alternate Power). You gain [[MMImmovable Immovable]] with a rank of twice your Strength bonus. Since switching between Alternate Powers is a free action, you generally need some forewarning to brace against an impact (see the [[MMImmovable Immovable]] effect for details).
- **Bracing: **You can use your tremendous strength to brace against the force of an impact. This is an Alternate Power, substituting [[MMImmovability Immovability]] for Strength and applying the Sustained duration to the [[MMImmovability Immovability]] rather than Permanent (so it can be acquired as an Alternate Power). You gain [[MMImmovability Immovability]] with a rank of twice your Strength bonus. Since switching between Alternate Powers is a free action, you generally need some forewarning to brace against an impact (see the [[MMImmovability Immovability]] effect for details).