Revision history for MMSuperSpeed

Revision [1561]

Last edited on 2012-03-22 21:37:38 by GilbertoLeon
||**Effect:** [[MMArray Array]], [[MMQuickness Quickness]], [[MMSpeed Speed]]||**Action:** Move (active)||
||**Effect:** Array, Quickness, Speed||**Action:** Move (active)||

Revision [1393]

Edited on 2012-03-06 14:17:30 by GilbertoLeon
||**Effect:** Array, Quickness, Speed||**Action:** Move (active)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 5 points per rank||
{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="Effect: Array, Quickness, Speed;Action: Move (active);Range: Personal;Duration: Sustained;Saving Throw: None;Cost: 5 points per rank"}}

Revision [860]

Edited on 2010-05-10 16:07:56 by GilbertoLeon
-**[[MMSuperMovement Wall Run]]: **You can run up and down walls and other vertical surfaces without a Climb check; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement (wall-crawling)]], Limited to while running.
-**[[MMSuperMovement Water Run]]: **You can run across the surface of water without sinking as long as you keep moving; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement (water walking)]], Limited to while running.
-**[[MMSuperMovement Wall Run]]: **You can run up and down walls and other vertical surfaces without a Climb check; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (wall-crawling), Limited to while running.
-**[[MMSuperMovementWater Run]]: **You can run across the surface of water without sinking as long as you keep moving; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (water walking), Limited to while running.

Revision [839]

Edited on 2010-05-09 20:49:32 by GilbertoLeon
-**[[MMAirControl Air Control]]: **You can control the movement of air by whirling your hands or arms like super-speed fans or moving in tight circles to create artificial cyclones, giving you [[MMAirControl Air Control]] at your Super-Speed power rank.
-**[[MMBurrowing Burrowing]]: **By spinning in place like a drill or digging rapidly through the ground by hand, you gain [[MMBurrowing Burrowing]] at your Super-Speed rank.
-**[[MMDeflect Deflect]]: **You can bat aside projectiles that, to you, appear to be moving at a snail|s pace, giving you [[MMDeflect Deflect]] Slow and Fast Projectiles at your Super-Speed power rank.
-**[[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]]: **If you have Super-Speed rank 10 or higher, you can acquire the Incorporeal rank of [[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]] as an Alternate Power feat, typically by vibrating your molecules at super-speed so they pass through ordinary substances.
-**[[MMSpinning Spinning]]: **You can spin in place at super-speed, gaining the [[MMSpinning Spinning]] power at your Super-Speed power rank.
-**[[MMStrike Strike]]: **You can hit faster than normal, inflicting additional unarmed damage and giving you a [[MMStrike Strike]] effect at a rank equal to your Super-Speed.
-**[[MMStun Stun]]: **You can create a micro sonic boom or strike with a super-fast attack that can stun at target with a [[MMStun Stun]] effect equal to your Super-Speed power rank.
-**[[MMSuffocate Suffocate]]: **By drawing the air away from a target--usually by moving in a tight circle around them as super-speed--you create a [[MMSuffocate Suffocate]] effect at your power rank.
-**[[MMVibrationControl Vibration Control]]: **By vibrating your molecules at super-speed, you gain the ability to generate and direct vibrations like the [[MMVibrationControl Vibration Control]] power at your Super-Speed rank (see [[MMVibrationControl Vibration Control]] later in this chapter).
-**[[MMSuperMovement Wall Run]]: **You can run up and down walls and other vertical surfaces without a Climb check; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (wall-crawling), Limited to while running.
-**[[MMSuperMovementWater Run]]: **You can run across the surface of water without sinking as long as you keep moving; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (water walking), Limited to while running.
-**Air Control: **You can control the movement of air by whirling your hands or arms like super-speed fans or moving in tight circles to create artificial cyclones, giving you [[MMAirControl Air Control]] at your Super-Speed power rank.
-**Burrowing: **By spinning in place like a drill or digging rapidly through the ground by hand, you gain [[MMBurrowing Burrowing]] at your Super-Speed rank.
-**Deflect: **You can bat aside projectiles that, to you, appear to be moving at a snail|s pace, giving you [[MMDeflect Deflect]] Slow and Fast Projectiles at your Super-Speed power rank.
-**Insubstantial: **If you have Super-Speed rank 10 or higher, you can acquire the Incorporeal rank of [[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]] as an Alternate Power feat, typically by vibrating your molecules at super-speed so they pass through ordinary substances.
-**Spinning: **You can spin in place at super-speed, gaining the [[MMSpinning Spinning]] power at your Super-Speed power rank.
-**Strike: **You can hit faster than normal, inflicting additional unarmed damage and giving you a [[MMStrike Strike]] effect at a rank equal to your Super-Speed.
-**Stun: **You can create a micro sonic boom or strike with a super-fast attack that can stun at target with a [[MMStun Stun]] effect equal to your Super-Speed power rank.
-**Suffocate: **By drawing the air away from a target--usually by moving in a tight circle around them as super-speed--you create a [[MMSuffocate Suffocate]] effect at your power rank.
-**Vibration Control: **By vibrating your molecules at super-speed, you gain the ability to generate and direct vibrations like the [[MMVibrationControl Vibration Control]] power at your Super-Speed rank (see [[MMVibrationControl Vibration Control]] later in this chapter).
-**Wall Run: **You can run up and down walls and other vertical surfaces without a Climb check; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (wall-crawling), Limited to while running.
-**Water Run: **You can run across the surface of water without sinking as long as you keep moving; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (water walking), Limited to while running.

Revision [830]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-05-09 15:14:32 by GilbertoLeon
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