Wiki source for MMStrike

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||**Effect:** [[MMDamage Damage]]||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** Toughness||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

This power inflicts damage in melee combat. It might be claws, energy fields, focused striking strength, and so forth, depending on your descriptors. Melee weapons are [[MMDevice Devices]] or equipment with this power.

Your Strike rank substitutes for your Strength modifier to determine your melee damage. This means there|s no reason to take Strike at a rank less than your Strength bonus without the Mighty power feat. Your maximum damage is limited by the campaign|s power level.

See the [[MMDamage Damage]] effect in the previous chapter for suitable power feats and modifiers for Strike. In particular, Mighty is a common Strike power feat, allowing you to add your Strength bonus to your Strike damage.

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