Sidekick (General, Ranked)

You have another character serving as your partner and aide. Create your sidekick as an independent character with (rank × 5) power points, and subject to the campaign|s power level limits. A sidekick|s power point total must be less than yours. Your sidekick is an NPC, but automatically fanatically loyal to you (provided you treat your sidekick fairly and well). Gamemasters should generally allow you to control your sidekick, although sidekicks remain NPCs and the GM has final say in their actions.

Sidekicks do not earn power points. Instead, you must spend earned power points to increase your rank in Sidekick to improve the sidekick|s power point total and traits; each point you spend to increase your rank in Sidekick grants the sidekick 5 additional power points. Sidekicks also do not have hero points, but you can spend your own hero points on the sidekick|s behalf with the usual benefits. Sidekicks are not minions, but full-fledged characters, so they are not subject to the minion rules.

Rather than increasing the power points available to create your sidekick, a rank in this feat can move your total number of sidekicks of the same point total one step up the Time and Value Progression Table (see page 70), so one additional rank gives you two sidekicks, two additional ranks give you five, and so forth. The GM may limit the number of sidekicks a character can have to keep things from becoming unmanageable during play.

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