
Effect: VariableAction: Move (active)
Range: PersonalDuration: Sustained
Saving Throw: NoneCost: 8 points per rank

You can transform into different forms, gaining the physical traits (abilities, skills, feats, and powers) of the assumed form. You gain (rank x 5) power points worth of traits. You can also redistribute power points spent on your own physical traits (lowering your Strength to apply those points elsewhere, for example). For shape-changers who don|t acquire a subject|s physical traits, use the Morph effect. To assume larger or smaller forms, apply points from your Shapeshift to appropriate ranks of the Growth or Shrinking effects.


Shapeshift can potentially counter alteration effects used on you by shifting you back to your normal form. This requires the normal action to counter unless you spend a hero point to counter instantaneously (in which case it requires only a reaction). So you could, for example, make a Shapeshift power check against an opponent|s Transform power check to overcome the effect and return to your normal form. Shapeshift doesn|t counter non-alteration effects like Damage, Nauseate, or Stun unless the GM rules that the descriptors of the two powers should permit it.

Sample Shapeshift Traits



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