
Type: SensoryAction: Standard (active)
Range: RangedDuration: Sustained
Saving Throw: NoneCost: 1-4 points per rank

You can create total concealment in an area (see Concealment, M&M, page 161). Obscure costs 1 point per rank if it affects one sense type, 2 points per rank if it affects two sense types, 3 points per rank if it affects three sense types, and 4 points per rank if it affects all sense types. Visual senses count as two sense types, so a 3-points per rank Obscure effect could affect visual and one other sense type, for example.

An Obscure effect can be centered on you or created at a distance as a standard action. It does not move once created, although you can reposition an existing Obscure effect as a move action. Characters suffer the effects of total concealment when unable to perceive an opponent and may suffer other hindrances as the GM sees fit. Your Obscure covers an area 5 feet in radius at rank 1. Each additional rank moves the radius one step up the Progression Table.

Obscuring Sensory Effects

At the Gamemaster|s discretion, you can have an Obscure that works against a particular sensory effect, such as ESP or Mind Reading, suitable for certain psionic or magical powers that block out those effects. You can|t have a general "Obscure Super-Senses" effect, since various Super-Senses are assigned to particular sense types (see the Super-Senses effect for details).

Obscure Examples

Power Feats



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