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||**Type:** Sensory||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1-4 points per rank||

You can create total concealment in an area (see Concealment, M&M, page 161). Obscure costs 1 point per rank if it affects one sense type, 2 points per rank if it affects two sense types, 3 points per rank if it affects three sense types, and 4 points per rank if it affects all sense types. Visual senses count as two sense types, so a 3-points per rank Obscure effect could affect visual and one other sense type, for example.

An Obscure effect can be centered on you or created at a distance as a standard action. It does not move once created, although you can reposition an existing Obscure effect as a move action. Characters suffer the effects of total concealment when unable to perceive an opponent and may suffer other hindrances as the GM sees fit. Your Obscure covers an area 5 feet in radius at rank 1. Each additional rank moves the radius one step up the Progression Table.

====Obscuring Sensory Effects====

At the Gamemaster|s discretion, you can have an Obscure that works against a particular sensory effect, such as [[MMESP ESP]] or [[MMMindReading Mind Reading]], suitable for certain psionic or magical powers that block out those effects. You can|t have a general "Obscure Super-Senses" effect, since various [[MMSuperSenses Super-Senses]] are assigned to particular sense types (see the [[MMSuperSenses Super-Senses]] effect for details).

====Obscure Examples====

- **Visual: **darkness, fog, smoke, blinding light, clouds of small particles (dust, sand, insects).

- **Auditory: **counter vibration, sound-dampening field, ultra "white noise," ultra-sonics.

- **Olfactory: **chemical neutralizer, odor-absorbing mist, overpowering (but not nauseating) smell.

- **Mental: **mental "null field," psionic static, ward against scrying.

- **Sensory Effect: **scrying ward vs. ESP, detect, or another specific sensory effect.

=====Power Feats=====

- **Affects Insubstantial: **As a sensory effect, Obscure already affects insubstantial subjects with no need for this power feat.

- **Subtle: **Obscure by definition cannot be Subtle for those subject to its effects; they|re automatically aware of the obscuring of their affected sense(s). However, Obscure may be Subtle for those outside its effect, such as a Visual Obscure effect that leaves everyone in the area blind, but makes it appear to anyone outside the area that there|s simply "nothing there," obscuring the true area and its contents, but not obviously so. The GM should adjudicate any applications of Subtle to Obscure effects.


- **Duration: **Continuous Obscure effects remain in place until they are countered in some fashion.

- **Independent: **The Obscure effect requires no maintenance from you, but fades by 1 power point of effectiveness per round until it is gone. You cannot turn off an Independent Obscure effect yourself unless you have the Reversible power feat.

- **Selective Attack: **You can choose who is and is not affected by your Obscure effect. Those unaffected perceive normally, as if the Obscure were not in effect.


- **Limited to One Sense (-1): **Obscure normally works against an entire sense type, Obscure with this flaw works only against a particular sense of that type, leaving the others unaffected. This is most common for Obscure that only affects normal vision but not other visual senses.

- **Partial (-1): **Your Obscure effect provides only partial rather than total concealment.

- **Phantasm: **Your Obscure effect is mental in nature; only creatures with Intelligence 1 or greater are affected. Machines and other non-intelligent entities or devices are immune.

- **Saving Throw: **Subjects in the area of your Obscure effect can make a saving throw (usually Will) to overcome it, DC 10 + Obscure rank. They gain an additional save for each step up the Time Table, starting at one minute.

- **Sense-Dependent: **Obscure is already Sense-Dependent by nature and cannot have this flaw.

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