
Type: TraitAction: Standard (active)
Range: RangedDuration: Instant
Saving Throw: WillCost: 1-3 points per rank

Nullify can counter particular effects, or perhaps even any effect (see Countering Effects, M&M, page 70). You can|t nullify innate effects (see the Innate power feat description).

Make a ranged attack roll to hit the target. Then make an opposed check of your Nullify rank and the effect|s rank or the target|s Will save, whichever is higher. If you are targeting the subject of an effect rather than the effect|s user, make an opposed power check (Will save is not a factor). If you win, the targeted effect turns off, although the user can re-activate it normally. If you lose the opposed check, you do not Nullify the effect and trying again against the same subject in the same encounter requires extra effort. The cost per rank determines what you can counter:

Power Feats



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