Notice (Wis)

Use this skill to notice things.

Check: Make a skill check to notice something. Notice checks generally suffer a penalty of -1 per 10 feet between you and the thing you|re trying to notice. If you|re distracted, you take a -5 penalty on Notice checks. Making out details--such as clearly hearing conversation or reading text-- requires you to exceed the DC by 10 or more.

The GM may make Notice checks secretly so you don|t know whether there was nothing to notice or you just failed to notice it. The most common sorts of Notice checks are:

Try Again: You can make a Notice check every time you have the opportunity to notice something new. As a move action, you can attempt to notice something you failed (or believe you failed) to notice previously.
Action: A Notice check is either a reaction (if called for by the GM) or a move action (if you take the time to try and notice something).
Special: When several characters try to notice the same thing, the GM can make a single d20 roll and use it for all the characters| skill checks. Various sensory effects provide modifiers on Notice checks (see Super-Senses, for details).

Taking 20 on a Notice check means you spend 1 minute attempting to notice something that may or may not be there.

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