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======Notice (Wis)======

Use this skill to notice things.

**Check:** Make a skill check to notice something. Notice checks generally suffer a penalty of -1 per 10 feet between you and the thing you|re trying to notice. If you|re distracted, you take a -5 penalty on Notice checks. Making out details--such as clearly hearing conversation or reading text-- requires you to exceed the DC by 10 or more.

The GM may make Notice checks secretly so you don|t know whether there was nothing to notice or you just failed to notice it. The most common sorts of Notice checks are:

- //Listen (auditory):// Make a check against a DC based on how loud the noise is or against an opposed [[MMStealth Stealth]] check. A normal conversation is DC 0, a quiet noise DC 10. Listening through a door is +5 DC, +15 for a solid wall. While you|re asleep, hearing something well enough to wake up is +10 DC.

- //Spot (visual):// Make a check against a DC based on how visible the object is or against an opposed [[MMStealth Stealth]] check. Spot is also used to detect someone in disguise (see [[MMDisguise Disguise]]), or to notice a concealed object.

- //Other Senses:// You can make Notice checks involving other sense types as well as various special senses (see page 103 for more on sense types and unusual senses). Noticing something obvious to a sense is DC 0. Less obvious things are DC 10 or so, hidden things DC 20 or more, and making out details requires you to exceed the DC by 10 or more.

**Try Again:** You can make a Notice check every time you have the opportunity to notice something new. As a move action, you can attempt to notice something you failed (or believe you failed) to notice previously.
**Action:** A Notice check is either a reaction (if called for by the GM) or a move action (if you take the time to try and notice something).
**Special:** When several characters try to notice the same thing, the GM can make a single d20 roll and use it for all the characters| skill checks. Various sensory effects provide modifiers on Notice checks (see [[MMSuperSenses Super-Senses]], for details).

Taking 20 on a Notice check means you spend 1 minute attempting to notice something that may or may not be there.

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