Revision [262]

This is an old revision of MMMorph made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-11-13 20:48:05.



Type: Alteration Action: Free (active)
Range: Personal Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: None Cost: 1-3 points per rank

You can alter your appearance to that of other creatures or even objects of the same mass. Your traits do not change; your new form is merely a cosmetic change. You gain a +5 bonus to Disguise checks per rank when using Morph to assume a different form. For 1 point per rank you can assume a single other appearance. For 2 points per rank you can assume any form from a broad group like humanoids, animals, machines, and so forth. For 3 points per rank you can assume any form of the same mass.

For the ability to change size as well as appearance see the Growth and Shrinking effects. To take on the other traits of forms you assume, see the Shapeshift power in the following chapter or the Metamorph power feat in the following section.

Power Feats



Associated Effects

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