Revision [129]
This is an old revision of MMInsubstantial made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-08-30 17:32:10.
Type: Alteration | Action: Free (active) |
Range: Personal | Duration: Sustained |
Saving Throw: None | Cost: 5 points per rank |
You can assume a less solid form, with each Insubstantial rank becoming progressively less solid. You do not gain the ability to assume lower-ranked Insubstantial forms, but you can acquire a lower-ranked form as an Alternate Power of a higher-ranked one (see the Array structure in this chapter). You can switch between normal and Insubstantial form at will as a free action once per round.
- Rank 1: You become fluid. You can flow through any sort of opening, under (or around) doors, through keyholes and pipes, and so forth. You cannot pass through watertight seals. You can automatically flow out of any restraint--such as a snare or grapple--that is not watertight. You automatically succeed on Escape Artist checks. So you cannot flow out of a bubble completely enclosing you, for example, but anything less cannot hold you. You can exert your normal Strength and can still carry objects, although your manual dexterity may be limited (at the GM|s discretion).
A fluid character may attempt to catch a falling person or object, cushioning the fall with the character|s flexible form. This requires a move action, and reduces the falling damage by the cushioning character|s Toughness bonus (representing flexibility in this case). Both characters suffer any remaining damage. Higher rank insubstantial forms--lacking physical Strength--cannot attempt this.
- Rank 2: You become a cloud of gas or fine particles. You have no effective Strength in gaseous form, but you are immune to physical damage. Energy and area attacks still affect you nor- mally. You can flow through any opening that is not airtight. You can use your various other effects normally.
- Rank 3: You become coherent energy. You have no effective Strength, but you are immune to physical damage. Energy attacks (other than the energy making up your form) damage you normally. You can pass through solid objects permeable to your type of energy, but energy resistant barriers, like heavy shielding or force fields, block your movement.
- Rank 4: You become incorporeal. You can pass through solid matter at your normal speed and you are unaffected by physi- cal and energy attacks. Sensory effects still work on you, as do effects with the Affects Insubstantial power feat. Choose one other reasonably common effect that works on you while you are incorporeal. You have no Strength and cannot affect thephysical world with other effects unless you apply the Affects Corporeal modifier. Your sensory effects work normally. Unless you have Immunity to Suffocation (see the Associated Effects section of this power), you must hold your breath while passing through a solid object, and you can suffocate normally. If you revert to solid form while inside a solid object for any rea- son, you suffer Fortitude-based lethal damage equal to the object|s Toughness. If you are not disabled by the damage, you|re immedi- ately ejected from the object into the nearest open space. If you are disabled, you|re trapped inside the object and your condition worsens to dying on the following round.
Unless you have Immunity to Suffocation (see the Associated Effects section of this power), you must hold your breath while passing through a solid object, and you can suffocate normally. If you revert to solid form while inside a solid object for any rea- son, you suffer Fortitude-based lethal damage equal to the object|s Toughness. If you are not disabled by the damage, you|re immedi- ately ejected from the object into the nearest open space. If you are disabled, you|re trapped inside the object and your condition worsens to dying on the following round.