Revision [129]

This is an old revision of MMInsubstantial made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-08-30 17:32:10.



Type: Alteration Action: Free (active)
Range: Personal Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: None Cost: 5 points per rank

You can assume a less solid form, with each Insubstantial rank becoming progressively less solid. You do not gain the ability to assume lower-ranked Insubstantial forms, but you can acquire a lower-ranked form as an Alternate Power of a higher-ranked one (see the Array structure in this chapter). You can switch between normal and Insubstantial form at will as a free action once per round.
A fluid character may attempt to catch a falling person or object, cushioning the fall with the character|s flexible form. This requires a move action, and reduces the falling damage by the cushioning character|s Toughness bonus (representing flexibility in this case). Both characters suffer any remaining damage. Higher rank insubstantial forms--lacking physical Strength--cannot attempt this.

Unless you have Immunity to Suffocation (see the Associated Effects section of this power), you must hold your breath while passing through a solid object, and you can suffocate normally. If you revert to solid form while inside a solid object for any rea- son, you suffer Fortitude-based lethal damage equal to the object|s Toughness. If you are not disabled by the damage, you|re immedi- ately ejected from the object into the nearest open space. If you are disabled, you|re trapped inside the object and your condition worsens to dying on the following round.

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