Handle Animal (Cha, Interaction)

You know how to handle, care for, and train various types of animals.

Check: The time required to get an effect and the DC depend on what you are trying to do.

Handle an animalMove action10
Push an animalFull-round action25
Teach an animal a trick1 weekSee text
Train an animal for a purpose4 weeksSee text

Action: See table.
Special: An untrained character uses Charisma checks to handle and push animals, but can|t teach or train animals.

Characters with animal minions (see Minions) do not need to teach or train them, the animals automatically know the maximum number of tricks for their Intelligence. You still have to make Handle Animal checks to get animal minions to perform tricks unless they are completely obedient (in which case they automatically obey your commands and ignore those of others).

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