Gather Information (Cha, Interaction)

You know how to make contacts, collect gossip and rumors, question informants, and otherwise get information from people.

Check: By succeeding at a skill check (DC 10) you get a feel for the major news and rumors in an area. This assumes no obvious reasons exist why information would be withheld. The higher the check result, the more complete the information. Information ranges from general to protected, and the DC increases accordingly for the type of information, as given on the table.

Type of InformationDC

General information concerns local happenings, rumors, gossip, and the like.
Specific information usually relates to a particular question.
Restricted information isn|t generally known and requires you to locate someone with access to the information.
Protected information is even harder to come by and might involve some danger, either for the one asking the questions or the one providing the answers.

There|s a chance someone takes note of anyone asking about restricted or protected information. The GM decides when this is the case. In some situations, opposed Gather Information checks are appropriate to see if someone else notices your inquiries (and you notice theirs). If you accept a -20 modifier on your check total, your inquiries avoid any notice.
The DCs on the table assume the subject isn|t making any special effort to hide. People trying not to be found add their Expertise (streetwise) or Stealth bonus to the DC to find them so long as they keep a low profile.

Community SizeDCCheck Required

Try Again: Yes, but it takes additional time for each check, and you may draw attention to yourself if you repeatedly pursue a certain type of information.
Action: A Gather Information check takes at least an hour, possibly several, at the GM|s discretion. You can cut the time for a Gather Information check in half by taking a -5 penalty.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Gather Information check, but cannot take 20.

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