Revision history for MMFlight
||**Type:** Movement||**Action:** Move (active)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
Flight works normally in vacuum or a gaseous medium (like a planet|s atmosphere). Moving through liquid, such as underwater, flight speed is slowed to that of the equivalent rank of [[MMSwimming Swimming]] (see the [[MMSwimming Swimming]] effect later in this chapter). This may also include "liquid" atmospheres on alien planets. Essentially, Flight includes the benefit of moving through liquids at [[MMSwimming Swimming]] speeds. If it does not, you may apply a 1-point Power Loss drawback (doesn|t work underwater). Likewise, an inability to fly in space may qualify for a drawback, if the GM expects it to ever come up, otherwise it|s best handled as a complication, on those rare occasions when it happens. For movement through solids, see the [[MMBurrowing Burrowing]] effect as well as [[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]] and the Permeate effect of [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]].